Another New Baby?

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There will be a few interviews because, even though they're married and started a family (a big one at that), they are still famous, and still have millions of fans.

Monday, November 6th, 2028

"Recently, Sam Evans posted a photo with all of his children, Kelsey, Justin, Janessa, Brooklyn, Bailey, Sophia, Carly, Cheyenne, and SJ. If you didn't know, SJ stands for Sam Jr. And we have to say, the little boy looks just like his father." The picture appeared on the screen, showing a picture of Sam and the kids sitting on Sam and Brenda's bed. Sam was holding SJ in one arm, Carly was sitting in his lap, and he was holding Cheyenne with his other arm. The other kids sat around him. Kelsey is now 15, but in January, she'll be 16. Justin and Janessa are 5, Brooklyn is 4, the twins are 3, and the triplets are 1. Sam and Brenda are both 30 years old."We want to know one thing, will either of them, Sam and Brenda, ever release music again?" Sam sighed and turned the TV off, and looked at SJ, who was sitting on his stomach. Sam and his son were the only people in the house for now, since Brenda, Kelsey, and Donna took the rest of the kids out to the park. Sam didn't feel like going, as he'd recently hurt his leg chasing the kids around in the yard, slipping on the snow and falling a certain way as to not land on Justin, who he'd been chasing. And SJ wouldn't let Sam put him down, so he stayed with his dad.

"Did you hear that lady, little dude? Apparently, everyone wants me and mama to make more music." SJ looked at him, a small grin on his tiny face. He had lips just like Sam. Hell, all of their kids had Sam's lips, and his eyes. Except for Kelsey, Justin, and Janessa, but that's because they were adopted, but still. Even Santiago and Becky had his lips, which Santana was kind of annoyed about, but loved either way."Do you want me and mama to make music?"

"Mama?" He asked, tilting his head as if confused. Sam smiled, SJ would always have a huge smile when he heard the word 'mama' and it made Sam's heart melt, every time. SJ smiled again, giggling cutely.

"Do you want to help me write mama a song?" SJ clapped his little hands. Sam laughed and picked him up. He stood up easily, annoyed by the pain in his leg, but laughed when SJ squealed. SJ fisted Sam's shirt and Sam walked to the music room, which, most days, doubled as his man cave. He put SJ in his bouncer and picked up his guitar, playing a few notes while his son jumped up and down happily. Sam sang a few verses from his old songs. Sam watched his son as he giggled and jumped up and down on his little chubby legs. The truth is, Sam and Brenda have been working on their music for the last couple of years, when they had the time. They loved performing with all of their heart, but they loved their family more, and their family was more important than anything else to them. Sam didn't know if they were going to have any more kids, but he would love to. He loves kids, and he wants a big family, no matter how big it already is. He got lost in thought as he played his guitar. After a little while, SJ started whining and Sam knew he was hungry, just by the sound he was making. He put his guitar down and picked him up.

"Are you hungry little man? Daddy is too." Sam said, tickling his stomach, causing the little boy to giggle again. He got out a jar of baby food, Apple Strawberry Banana. He still didn't know how babies could eat that stuff, since it was so disgusting, but hey, it was for babies, not grown ups, so it was a good deal. He fed it to SJ, who ate every single bit of it. Sam laughed and made him a bottle of apple juice, which SJ loved. He cleaned him up and made himself a quick sandwich. After he ate, he took SJ back upstairs and laid down with him on he and Brenda's bed. SJ cuddled into Sam's side and fell asleep. Sam smiled and kissed his head, falling asleep with him. About 2 hours later, around 9 PM, Sam woke up to see SJ just laying on Sam's arm, playing with Sam's fingers. Sam smiled at him and kissed his head again.

"Did you have a good nap little dude? Daddy sure did." He said, picking him up and sitting him on his lap. SJ pulled himself up on Sam's shirt and bounced up and down. Sam sniffed and caught a whiff of what was in SJ's diaper and almost gagged."You just like surprising daddy, don't you?" SJ giggled. Sam laughed and took him to his and his sisters room. The three would share a room until they started puberty, at least until then. He changed his diaper and went back in his and Brenda's room to get his phone. It started ringing. Seeing that it was his wife, he sat on the bed with SJ and answered.

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