Finding Out

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Tuesday, January 19th, 2027

Since Brenda has yet to get pregnant, she's going to the doctor, but she's not telling Sam because he'll think something is wrong with one of them. So, she told him that she was going out with Rachel, Quinn, and Tina to get their nails done, which wasn't a complete lie, because that's what she's going to do after she goes to the doctor.

"Brenda Evans?" Nurse Jenilyn called. Brenda smiled and got up. She followed Jenilyn into a room and she sat on the bed. There was a ultrasound machine next to it.

"So, do you think your pregnant or?" Jenilyn asked. Brenda clasped her hands together.

"No, actually." She said. Jenilyn looked confused."Sam and I have been trying for another baby for a few months now, and we haven't had any luck."

"Have you took any pregnancy tests recently or anything?" Jenilyn asked.

"Yes, but they're always negative." Brenda told her.

"Well, home pregnancy tests are not always accurate. Would it make you feel better if we took a urine test, and a blood test just to see?" Jenilyn asked. Brenda nodded. Jenilyn took the blood and Brenda peed in the cup."We'll have the test results shortly. If Dr. Lynda comes in instead of me, then your definitely pregnant." Brenda laughed and nodded. She laid back on the bed and took her phone out, texting Quinn.

I'm at the doctors office. She's running tests now, so I'll see you guys in hopefully about an hour.~ Brenda

Alright girl, good luck!~ Quinn

Thank you!~Brenda

About fifteen minutes later, there was a slight knock on the door and Dr. Lynda came in smiling widely. Brenda squealed quietly to herself and hugged Dr. Lynda.

"Congratulations, Brenda!" She said.

"Thank you! Do you know how far along I am?" She asked.

"About 9 weeks."She answered."Do you want to have an ultrasound to see if there's one or two babies this time?" Brenda nodded excitedly and pulled her shirt up to her boobs and unbuttoned her pants like usual. Dr. Lynda laughed and turned the light off. She squirted the gel on Brenda's lower stomach and started moving the wand around."Oh wow." She said, shocked. Brenda looked at her.

"Is something wrong?" Brenda asked worriedly.

"No, not exactly. Do you or Sam have triplets in your family?" She asked, grinning slightly.

"Are you serious?" Brenda asked. Dr. Lynda pointed at the screen.

"Here is baby A, baby B, and here is baby C." She said. Brenda covered her mouth, blinking tears out of her eyes. She wasn't upset, she was happy.

"Oh my god." She said quietly.

"Is this a good or bad thing for you and Sam?"

"I don't-I don't know. It's good for me, I don't know about him." She answered.

"I bet he'll be happy no matter what."

"I just hope he doesn't pass out when I tell him." She said and they both laughed. She printed out a few copies of the ultrasound and gave them to Brenda. She cleaned her stomach off and then left after talking to her for a few minutes. She texted Quinn again before she left the parking lot.

I'm on the way to the Salon now.~ Brenda

How'd it go? Are you pregnant or...?~ Quinn

I'll tell you everything when I get there. I'm leaving now.~ Brenda


She drove off, and in about ten minutes, she was walking into the salon, where Rachel and Quinn were sitting on the couch, waiting on her. She sat next to them, since they had to wait for their spot.

"So?" Tina asked. Brenda took a deep breath.

"I'm 9 weeks pregnant." She said, her eyes watering again.

"Congratulations-Wait, why are you crying? I something wrong?" Rachel asked. Brenda shook her head and took out one of the ultrasounds, the one that showed where all three babies were, and gave it to Quinn. After the three women looked at the picture for a few seconds, they looked at Brenda, shocked.

"Triplets?" Quinn asked, shocked. Brenda nodded, wiping under her eyes.


"Do you want to reschedule and go another time so you can go home and tell Sam?" Tina asked.

"But you guys were looking forward to us hanging out."

"Well, we think you should tell Sam right away. And if you want to, we'll just do each others nails with the girls later tonight and the boys can hang out in Sam's man cave. If you want to go ahead and get them done, that's fine to." Rachel said. Brenda thought for a second.

"I guess we'll just do each others nails, because I can barely stop my self from just calling him and telling him, but that' snot a good way to do it." She said. They nodded.

"We'll follow you to your house and take the kids for ice cream so you can tell Sam alone." Brenda nodded.

"Thank you."


"I thought you were getting your nails done." Sam said, kissing Brenda on the cheeks.

"I hope you don't mind, but we're going to take the kids for ice cream." Quinn said, and Sam nodded, a look of confusion on his face still. After they left, Brenda made Sam sit on the couch with her.

"I may have told you a little white lie." She told him.

"What do you mean?"

"We were going to get our nails done, but first, I went to the doctor."

"Why didn't you tell me? I would've gone with you." She was happy he wasn't mad.

"I know, but if I told you I was worried about something, you would have thought something was wrong." He was quiet for a few seconds.

"Well, what happened at the doctor."

"Well, I am 9 weeks along." She told him. His eyes lit up and he hugged her tightly. She laughed and hugged him back."I have to show you something first, though." She said. He let her go and she took the ultrasound out of her bag and put it upside down in his hand."Flip it over." She told him. He did so and looked at it for a few seconds, and realized it faster than the girls did.

"Thre-three babies?" He asked, looking at her. She nodded.

"I get it if your mad but, I think we can do it-"

"Why would I be mad? We were trying for one baby, but we're getting 3 instead. That's amazing. I'm not mad, I'm happy." He hugged her again and kissed her. Then he got up and held a hand out. She took it and he pulled her up.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"We are going to eat and celebrate having three new babies."

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