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Tuesday, April 13th, 2027

21 weeks

"Ugh, I'm so huge!" Brenda exclaimed as she plopped down on the couch with their friends.

"No you're not." Sam said, sitting beside her. He put an arm around her shoulders.

"Sam, I'm the size I was when I was about to have Brooklyn, and I'm just 21 weeks. I'm going to get so much bigger." Sam sighed.

"No your not, it's just the babies. That's all."

"Still." She pouted.

"When can you find out the genders?" Marley asked.

"Hopefully today, since we have an appointment at 3, which we should probably start getting ready to go to." Brenda said, looking at Sam, who nodded.

"Have you guys told the world yet?" Puck asked stupidly.

"Okay, 1) Yes, we did, and 2) How can you not know that I'm pregnant?" Brenda asked sarcastically.

"I was just wondering." He said and pouted. She rolled her eyes.


"How are you two doing today?" Dr. Lynda asked, walking into the room.

"Good." Sam answered and Brenda said,

"Bleh." Causing the two to laugh.

" You're past half way, and you won't go to full term, so it won't be long." Dr. Lynda told her. Brenda nodded.

"I know." She said.

"Are you ready to find out the genders?" She asked, and they both nodded. Brenda pulled her shirt up, and Dr. Lynda turned off the lights. She put the gel on her stomach and let them listen to each baby's heart beat, and said,

"All three are growing normally, although one is a little smaller from what I can tell, but that's normal with multiple pregnancies." She said. Sam and Brenda smiled at each other."It looks like baby B is a girl, but baby A and baby C are trying to hide their goodies, so I can't get a good look right now."

"It's okay." Sam said.

"We'll just wait until they're born to find out the other ones." Sam nodded in agreement. Dr. Lynda nodded. After Brenda was cleaned up, Dr. Lynda gave her a packet of papers.

"This is on giving birth to triplets. There is a possibility that you could deliver them naturally, but it's much more safer to deliver them by Cesarean."

"I don't care, which ever is safest for the babies."

"And you." Sam added. Brenda smiled at him.


"So, what are the genders?" Mary asked as the family ate dinner at the old house. The kids had already eaten and were playing in the living room.

"Well, as far as we know, there is one girl." Brenda said."She couldn't tell with the other babies, since they were apparently 'hiding their goodies', according to her." Everyone laughed.

"Are you going to wait until the're born to find out the other genders?" Donna asked, and they nodded.

"How do you feel about having at least one more girl?" Dwight asked Sam, who burped and then answered,

"I'm happy, I don't really care as long as their healthy, but I do want a boy, obviously, but if it's all girls, then it is what it is and I'll love them no matter what their gender is."


Tuesday, August 10th

38 weeks

"How are you feeling pretty lady?" Blaine asked as he and Kurt walked into the hospital room with Puck, Quinn, Finn, and Rachel. Brenda was induced this morning around 6 AM, and now it's about 1 PM and the only people able to come visit them were the six of them, since everyone else was in New York or another state. Their parents had come to see them, and they left to eat a little while ago, meaning they'd be back in a little while.

The Big RevealTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon