18. *A few months later*

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Sammys  POV

I haven't seen Jai since we made up. I have been so busy convincing my mom to let me stay here in Darwin while she goes back to the US. But she keeps saying no.

Here let me tell you what happened in these few months.

My parents have been divorced for so long now and now my mom finally met this guy who she wants to start  a serious relationship with. Problem is he lives in my hometown.

You probably don't care about my mother's relationships so ill tell you about Jai and I.


Jai: hey beautiful he says walking in my bedroom door.

Me: Hey I say sitting cris cross applesauce (tbt to that word)

Jai: what did you want to talk about ? he says sitting next to me.

Me: I have to leave

Jai: babe this us your house what do you mean (justin bieber reference ) you have to leave ?

Me: No Jai I'm leaving Darwin.

Jai jumps off my bed as if he just saw a ghost.

WHAT?! he says

I start to tear a little bit because I have to leave him in a week and I may never see him again.

"Hey Sammy, it's fine we'll  see each other. I'll make sure of it. You know why? because I love you and I always  will no matter what, no distance or anything can break us apart anymore. okay?"

"Okay" I say looking at him wiping away my tears.

I went to my house to just think about everything.

I turned on some music and went on my phone.. tumblr to be exact. Everything was perfectly fine until I heard a noise coming from downstairs.

"Mom?" I call out

No answer.

I walk to the top of my stairs and am shocked  at who is staring back at me.

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