12. Starbucks or love?

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Matt's POV:

Ever since Sam and Jai broke up, ive been here for her. I went over her house all the time, because if she came here well... you know. I was sitting on her rolly chair on her laptop. I was on twitter. I saw her posts.

Sams POV: 

I posted it on twitter. "Maybe it will work out later?" About 2 seconds after my phone was getting blown up with dms and comments. 

@gina296-tell me you guys didnt break up!?

@pupslover221- Jam? is over? No!!!!??? :(

@barbietumblrxx- why?! No?! can someone please tell me this is just a dream

@ivy2725- its not true! it cant be! 

Maybe i shouldnt of posted anything but then i went down my news feed and saw Jai post.

"i was such a idiot, i loved her and let her go."

I had to favorite it. so i did. 

 A few weeks went by and I was kinda still  upset but i couldnt spend the rest of my life crying, so I forgot about it, but everytime i saw jai, i was re-living the good memories and not the bad ones. 

I drove to starbucks with Matt, the person in front of us was an attractive guy around my age. He offered to pay for Matt and I's hot chocolate. Matt found a table for us to sit at. 

"Is that your boyfriend?" he asked

"No, hes my best friend" i say as i look at Matt sitting and on his phone. 

"Oh, my name is Logan, what yours?"


"Oh well text me sometime" he says giving me his number.

"Okay and thanks again for paying for us"

"Anything for a beautiful girl" he said and walked away.

"What was that about?" matt says grabbing the paper out of my hand

"He gave me his number, and he called me beautiful." i said placing my hand on the forehead and looking at my hot chocolate.

Jai used to call me beautiful everyday. I miss him. But i cant go back, i have to move on. I say in my head. _________________________________________________________________________________

A/N: Sorry this chapter was short. I make a longer one nect chapter but what do you think... ???? is Jam going to get back togther or not??

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