16. Blank Spaces

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The spot where Jai was talking about was about 10 minutes away from the school.

We always used to go there almost every morning before school.

Thats why I'm always late to Mrs. Manicone's class.

I got to my car, unlocked it, threw my bag and books in the back and drove to the spot.

I saw Jai sitting on the bench staring at the beautiful view. I sat next to him and he turned to me and smiled. (^^ Picture)

Me: "Why did you write me that note?"

Jai: I dont know I just wanted to tell you all that. Sammy I'm not going to force you to take me back but I dont want you to hate me. I want you to know that I love you.

Me: I dont hate you, I love you. I just don't love the mistakes and choices you've made. I want us to be friends but that's it for now.

Jai: Okay, but does this mean we can hang out and be best friends again?

Me: Yes goofball and we will always be best friends.

Jai and I walked to our cars. The whole car ride back was relaxing. I didn't bother driving back to school, so I just skipped the rest of the day. I texted Dee and told her to text me if she needs a ride home.

I pulled in my driveway, and walked to the front door. I saw that the door was locked which was weird since my mom is usually always home.

I put my keys and my bag down and walked right over to the fridge.

I opened it and saw a note with a box of food.

"Im not going to be home tonight so I made you food. Love you xoxo -Mom"

I grabbed an apple and walked up the stairs to my bedroom.

I sat on my bed and pulled up instagram and scrolled though my news feed.

Then twitter. Then tumblr.

It was around 2 when Dee texted me.

From: Dee

Chicka ! I need you to pick me up.. wanna hang out today ?

To: Dee

Yeah and ill be there in 5 minutes

I got in my car and drove to pick Dee up. When we got to my house. I texted Jai, Matt, and Brandon.

To: Jai, Matt, Brandon

Hey guys ! Come over Dee and I are ordering pizza

From: Jai


From: Matt

Im at dinner catching up with the boys sorry babe

From: Brandon

Yaasss ! On my way!

About 10 minutes later the guys arrived and we ordered the pizza.

We talked and we decided to play Never Have I Ever.

Never Have I Ever skipped classes.

Everyone drank except Dee.

"Your such a goody too shoes" Brandon said with a smirk. Dee just laughed.

Never Have I Ever wanted to make out with somone in this room.

Everyone drank. Dee looked at me and I looked at Brandon. I knew why Dee drank.. because of Brandon.

"Awee Dee... You wanna make out with Brandon don't you?" I said laughing.

I was pretty drunk. "Brandon has a huge crush on you and he always has ever since he met you." I said.

"Sammy stop. Why the hell would you tell her that she obviously doesn't like me back" Brandon said.

Right after he said that I saw Dee lean in and my kiss Brandon. They had a full make out session.

"Come on Sammy let's get you upstairs your drunk and you need to sleep" Jai said lifting me up over his shoulders.

"Do you know how much I love you" I said jumping off of his shoulders and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Whatever it is I love you alot more. More than you'll ever know."

I leaned in and kissed him. It felt magical. But wrong. I pulled away realizing what I just did. I turned around and he grabbed my waist.

"Baby.. I'm so sorry. You felt that too didn't you thats why you pulled away. Your falling in love with me again."

"Jai. I fall in love with you every time I see you. Every time you touch me. Everytime you look at me. I just can't forgive you this easily. You hurt me and I know you'll probably do it again."

"But that's the thing I swear on my life that I will make you happier than before. I didn't learn from my mistakes. I didn't know how I truly felt about you. But now I do and it's annoying that I waited this long to tell you." "Im so sorry." A tear rolled down his cheek.

He was being honest. I feel like I could trust him again. I dont think he will ever hurt me again and if he does I'm done. This is his last chance.

"Jai. This is your last chance. If you fuck this up, I'm done forever."

He turned around and kissed me. It was more passionate than ever. It felt like we were the last people on earth. He makes me feel special. He makes me whole.

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