5. this is a thing i call love at first sight

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I woke up in complete happiness. My friends from my hometown are coming today in 3 hours. Brandon, Matt and Jai's friends are coming over today too. It's gonna be weird because there's gonna be five girls and five guys. Hopefully no crushing is gonna go on here. My friend's names are Aubree, Brianne, Delilah, and Sophie. Brandon, Jai and Matt's friends are Mason and Justin.

______ My house________

Jai, Brandon, Matt, Mason, and Justin were playing basketball across the street while me, Aubree, Delilah, Brianne, and Sophie were sitting in my porch talking and watching them play basketball. While we were watching them I realized that I was next to a spider and I screamed. Aubree coved my mouth because it was so loud japan could hear it. We were playing truth or dare. Which Jai knows I hate but he convinced me. I wasn't that mad at him anymore because my friends were here and I had other people who could stick with me. We each had a partner which we had to pick out of a bag. You could switch your partners but you had to pick out of the hat. . (Here's the list)

Jai- Aubree.................Jai- Sam

Brandon- Delilah..............Brandon- Brianne

Mason- Brianne.............Mason- Delilah

Justin- Sophie..........Justin- Sophie

Matt- Sam...........Matt- Aubree

Maybe it wasn't bad having jai as a partner maybe I could just forgive him for the sake of my friends being here. Brandon wanted to play truth or dare but I refused. Ever since I was thirteen I hated truth or dare maybe because Jai, Brandon and matt always wanted to play it. Jai convinced me too so of course it was my turn first.

"Sammy truth or dare" says Brandon


"I dare you to make out with Jai"

I ran away running to my room wanting to throw up. Hearing that word kills me. I hate the word saliva, which the word "Make out" is basically it. Whenever I hear that word I think of saliva and it literally kills my insides. Anyways, Delilah comes running after me knowing why I ran away. She opens the bedroom door and im sitting on the floor holding my head rocking back and forth.

"Are you okay? Everyone is worried about you. What am I supposed to tell them?"

"I'll tell them they're all my friends and they need to know I guess" I say

"I'll tell them about it you stay here."

"Okay thanks Dee"

She leaves the room and I hear her talking to everyone.

Jai comes in the room saying

"Dee told me what happened im sorry Brandon didn't know why didn't you tell me we've kissed before."

"I was gonna tell you but I can't really talk about it im sorry we can still kiss but not--"

"I honestly don't care if we can't. But I honestly do love you" he says helping me up and kisses my check.

I hug him and wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close to him.

I guess Matt took a picture because our picture was on twitter and his tweet was

"Look at this freaking perfect couple! @JaiButler @sam_alexandra"

I read the tweet and favorited and re-tweeted the post.

I smile as I go off twitter. Jai and I go back into the room and people are looking at me.

"Are you pregnant?" asked Sophie

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