Chapter 1

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I step out onto the sidewalk in front of the diner where Serena works. I just got done eating my favorite: a salad and egg sandwich. I start walking home but as I pass The Cat's Oven, that's Midnight's bakery, I smell one of the best smells I've ever smelled in my entire life. I almost fall over trying to move my nose closer to the source. Actually it seems to be coming from everywhere. I walk into the bakery, wondering if it's perhaps something new Midnight's making, but am surprised to find that its torn up. It looks like someone ransacked the place. I stop swooning over the smell and get into a defensive stance. I hear a noise behind the counter and move closer. From the other side of the counter jumps a giant, white, feral looking cougar. "Woah! Midnight? What happened?" I ask, referring to the animal. Midnight is a wherecat. She doesn't listen and growls at me, moving closer, crouched. "Midnight? What are you doing? This isn't funny." I say. She runs at me and jumps, claws ready to rip me to shreds. I teleport out of the way and she hits the tile floor, sliding a little. "Midnight! What is wrong with you? Are you ok?" I ask frantically. She turns around and runs at me again. "Don't do this, Midnight, I don't want to hurt you." She doesn't stop so this time when she jumps I punch her hard in the face. She rebounds off my fist, hits the ground, and doesn't move. She turns back into human form and lies there on her side. I move closer, pick her up, put the 'closed' sign on the front door, and teleport us to the clinic. "I need Dr. Screwtape." I say to the receptionist. "Oh, my. Ok he's free right now. You know where to find him." She says. I rush into his doctor's office and put her on the medical bed. "What happened?" He asks, already setting her up on life monitors. "I punched her, but that's not the problem. The problem is that she attacked me in her bakery. She was in the form a big cat and looked feral and deadly. She almost killed me. I knocked her out, but I want to know why she did so?" I explain. "She would never attack me like that." "It was most likely a smell or sound that made her like that." He says. "A smell? I smelled something earlier. Right before I went into her shop actually. It was the best smell I've ever smelled. Now that I think about it, I can still smell it now." I say. I start swooning again and almost fall over. "It's amazing." I say, with a ridiculous smile on my face. "Joey! What's wrong with you?" Dr. Screwtape says. I snap out of it and stand up straight. "Sorry. I did that last time too. But.. Can't you smell it?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Maybe only you guys can smell it cause your noses are stronger. She is a cat, and I don't know why your nose is stronger. But that would mean that other strong-nosed creatures can smell it too." He says. At that I start hearing fierce barking outside.

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