Chapter 6

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Four of the shadehunters, and the vampire are teenagers. The wizard, and other shadehunter are adults. Two of the teen shadehunters have black hair, and are both very attractive. One is a girl and the other is a boy. They look like siblings. The other two teens look nothing like anyone else. One is a tall boy with golden hair, and he is also pretty handsome. The other is a girl with bright red hair. She is a little shorter than goldilocks across from her. The vampire is a boy with dark hair, and glasses. The adult woman has black hair and blue eyes like the two kids. She looks to be their mother, and the male adult has black hair, but yellow-green cat eyes. The entire observation takes place within a second, and almost before the next second is up the siblings are upon us, with knives to our throats. The girl is at my throat, while the boy is at Serena's. She smells sweet, and kind of like a vampire, I can smell her shampoo, and body wash as well. The boy is too far away for me to smell that much detail, but the girl is too close for my comfort. "Who are you, and how did you get in here?" She asks me. I calmly answer with: "Take that knife away from my throat, shadehunter, or I'll put it through yours." She laughs, along with the red head across the room, before they both compose themselves. "How exactly do you expe-" before she even finished I teleport out of her grasp and take her knife with me. I am now behind her with her own knife at her throat. "Now, remove the knife from my partner's throat. Please." I ask kindly. No one moves, and they all stare and what I have to assume is shock. "Now." I say more firmly. The boy moves away and sheaths his knife. I push the girl away, making her stumble, and throw the knife towards the door, where it buries itself in the wood. "Who do you think you are? Coming into our home and threatening our lives?" The adult woman asks. "Forgive me, I did not come with hurtful intentions, but your kids pulled knives on me and my partner. My name is Joey, Child of the End; And I've come seeking help from you... shadehunters." I explain. "Normally I wouldn't associate with people like you, but Demons, and angels attacked my town and destroyed a lot of it, and I know you hate demons as much as any other non-human. We came to New York from Pennsylvania to ask you for help. A nice cat we found in a trash can helped up find this place." They stare for a moment. "The same thing happened to our town, as shadehunters, we dealt with the demons easy enough, but the angels were something we didn't expect to see. They seemed to ignore us mostly, but tore New York apart." Says the adult lady. "First things first, let's get introduced, properly. My name is Maryse Darkwood, these are my children: Alec, Isabelle, and Jace Darkwood." She says gesturing to the two black haired humans, and the blonde. "My name is Clary Gray, and this is my friend Simon Treyton." Says the extreme red head, introducing her vampire friend. "And my name is Magnus Haze." Says the wizard. "My name is Serena." Serena says. "Now that we're all acquainted, what would five shadehunters, a vampire, and a wizard be talking about?" I ask. "I am NOT a wizard!" Says Magnus. "I happen to be a warlock, thank you very much." He crosses his arms. I wave a dismissive hand, "Same thing." His hands ball into fists and his face turns red. Alec quietly says something to Magnus. They walk out of the library. "We were talking about the demon problem of course, and the angels. The demons are fine, but the angles, those guys are the problem. We can't fight angles. They're the ones who created shadehunters." Says Maryse. "Did you hear anything about what they're saying? What's this halo the angles are talking about, and the chalice that the demons want?" I ask. Maryse answers that question, "The chalice the demons are talking about could be the Chalice of Immortal Fire. We don't know why it is so important to them, or what it does. The halo is the legendary Angel's Halo. When wounded in battle, it is the only way they can be healed." I nod, "Sounds important." I say. "Yes, very. Important enough for them to attack earth and look for it." She says. "And isn't it weird that both items went missing at the same time? Someone is behind this. Someone who wants to destroy the earth." I contemplate. Just then we all flinch as we hear an explosion from above.

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