Chapter 4

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I instantly run into the nearest alley and jump in a dumpster. The smell is terrible but it's worth it to hide from the angels. Smell... Wait a minute I can't smell the amazing smell anymore. I get it, they were sending the smell down to make the animals go crazy, cause a little chaos before they came down themselves. I still don't know why they came down at all. All of a sudden a beautiful white, and smooth-skinned hand lifts up the dumpster lid and looks in. His face is neutral. Not angry, or happy, or sad. I yell as he lifts his flaming sword and swipes down. I teleport out of the way at the last second. I am behind him and I can see his amazing, long white feathered wings sprouting from his bare back. He has white cloth pants on. He turns around to look at me and I yell at him. "What are you doing? How could you do this? Destroy your God's world!" "It must be returned. It must be returned, the Halo must be returned." He chants as he lifts up his sword to swing at me again. I teleport away just before his sword hits the ground. I'm at the last place I remember seeing Serena. The ally across the street. I call her name and hear her answer from a nearby pile of trash bags. It's really tall, the pile. I find Serena on the other side. "Your mask!" She says. "It's ok, the smell is gone. But now there are demons, and angles." As I say that a large black demon with red eyes and bat wings lands nearby. It heads over to me, shouting: "The Chalice! Where is the Chalice!? Return the Chalice!!" Serena jumps out from behind the trash, surprising it. She then promptly cuts off it's head with her sword. "Chalice? Halo? What are these things and why would anyone steal them. If they knew they existed, they must've known what would happen." I think aloud. "Joey. We have bigger problems." Serena says pointing to the end of the ally where a quad of demons is coming for us. I put my hand on Serena's shoulder and teleport us to our house. "When was the last time you saw Midnight?" I ask. "Just before we split up to search for the smell." She says. Dang it. "We'll have to hope she is smart enough to stay out of sight. Right now we need to get to safety. Angles are almost invincible." I say. Just then the window to our living room explodes inwards, and another black demon flies through. "Return the Chalice! Where is the Chalice?" It chants. I jump backwards at it slashes at me. I teleport upstairs and grab my endorium knife before teleporting back downstairs within three seconds. As soon as I land I throw my knife at its head. It goes right into its forehead. It tries in vain to pull it out for a second before it falls down, crushing a coffee table. I retrieve my knife. "Come on! I have to replace that." I say. Just as those words leave my mouth the front door flies off its hinges and slams into the wall across from it. And in comes a pair of black demons. One looks a lot like a big hairy spider, but it has six legs and two arms that both have lethal looking claws. The other is what we've been dealing with since they came. Big, black, and winged. I throw my knife at the winged one and it hits his neck. Not where I was aiming, but good enough. He falls down and his spidery friend rushes over and tackles me. It has a slightly luminescent green liquid dripping out of its mouth. It gurgles and spits it at me. I teleport out of the way, not wanting to see what his spit does to me. I thought smartly: as soon as his saliva hits the floor it starts sizzling, leaving a hole. "Yaahh!!" Serena yells as she slams her sword into it's back. The demon screeches as it tries to squirm out from under her sword. Serena rears back and swings again, cutting off it's head. I walk over to the winged one and pull out my knife. I clean it and sheath it. "We need to go. I know who to talk to about this. We need to go to New York." I say. "But I've never been, so we're going to have to go the old fashioned way." I wave her over and we leave the house, we head across the street to the storage units. Inside one of them is Serena's motorcycle. We don't have a drive way so we had to leave it in storage. I use her key to open the door and she drives it out. "Get on." She says. I gingerly get on behind her, I've never liked cycles very much. Or any vehicles. The engines unnerve me. I mean, they run on fuel, they could catch fire and explode at any second. And cycles are worse cause of how easily toppled they are. "Off to New York." I mutter as she drives away from the units, and towards the edge of town.

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