Chapter 9

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I leave Serena to her thoughts and walk back to the others. "I'm sorry about her. I don't know what's wrong. I'll figure it out later. But for now I need one of you to come with me back to Earth to check things out." I say. "I'll go." Clary says. "Ok, let's go." I reach out my hand and she takes it, then I teleport us to the church we were at. "Come on." I say, walking down the street. "I don't see anyone. Isn't New York the most populated city in America?" She chuckles nervously. "Yeah, uh I don't know where everyone is. Maybe they were evacuated." She says. We wander around for a while. "You know you have the same name as someone I know." I tell her. "Oh?" "Yeah," I then launch into the story of my escapade into the future, as we look around. "And then I put him in a magical prison. He won't be able to use his powers there. He's probably still there." I finish. "Amazing." She says, in awe. "I've never done anything like that. I have angel blood. I can invent new runes. That's about the extent of my power, and it's not even that cool." "No, that's pretty amazing." I say, truthfully. "I think we should go back now. Everything seems quiet." As if on cue I hear a gunshot. "Get down!" I pull us into an alley. I hear more gunshots and can hear swords clashing. "Angels?" She asks. I sniff the air. "Yes, stay here." I walk back into the street. I see a group of angels fly over me. I watch them as they chase something around the sky. I can't see what it is, because they are moving so fast. It flies around a corner, and then I see a pair of people come running around said corner. They're running from the angels. There is a man and a woman. The angels come back around the corner and chase them. I teleport over to them, grabbing their wrists, I then teleport us to the End, I immediately go back for Clary. When we're all there I approach the pair. "Are you two ok? Those angels were really going after you." I say. They are both around 5 1/2 ft tall, the woman has long flowing blond hair, and the man's hair is brown. Her eyes are golden and his are hazel. She has a white t-shirt on and white dress pants, she doesn't have a speck of dirt on her anywhere, while the man is in a green button up and jeans and looks like he may need a bath, and washing machine badly. She has a shotgun strapped to her back. "Yeah I think so. Where have you taken us? And what are those things?" Asks the man. "This is a safe place, and those are endermen, just don't look them in the eyes." I explain. That's when I catch the smell. It smells like everything good, but nothing at all at the same time. It is a smell I've smelled before. It's the smell of an angel. I jump away from the two of them. "Which one of you is an angel?" I hiss, backing away. "I am." Says the woman, stepping forward. "Why were they chasing you? Why don't you look like them? Who are you?" "My name is Lilica. When the Halo was stolen and all the others came down, I knew they'd turn the Earth inside out to find it. I had to abandon them to save him." She gestures to the man. "I love him, and I would do anything to protect him. Even abandon my own race. I don't care if Heaven won't take me back." "So... You're an Angel With a Shotgun. Cool, you could help us." I say.

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