Chapter 5

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We are on an empty road in the dark, and the headlights of the motorcycle are on. There are no other cars, probably because of the angels and demons. We are about 87 miles from New York. It's been about an hour and a half, cause Serena isn't keeping to the speed limits. Soon enough we enter the city limits and slow down a little. "So, we're are we going?" Serena asks. "I seriously don't know. All I know is that there are some people who can help stationed somewhere in New York City." I answer. She stops the bike and looks back at me. "You don't know where to look!? New York is huge! We could spend months scouring the city to find such a small group of people." "Don't worry. They aren't very unknown. There are plenty of people to ask." I say, "That is, if we can find any of them. It seems as if the angels and demons have been here." There is no one around. It's a ghost town. There are cars abandoned on the street, a few still running. We drive around them. The whole place smells like demon blood. I guess when demons attack a town full of shadehunters, you're gonna get demon blood. But I have no idea what the shadehunters would have done when thwt saw Angels too. "I think it's time to give up on the motorcycle. The streets are too crowded to ride here, plus she's almost out of gas." Serena says. 'Thank god.' Jack thinks. As soon as she stops I get off and wait till she does too. We start walking around. "Hello?" Serena says. "Anyone here?" I sniff the air for any signs of anyone, but don't get anything. Just the city air: gas, smoke, and burnt rubber. I hear a noise on a nearby ally. Me and Serena turn to look  down it. There are trash cans, trash bags, and fire escapes. One of the trash cans shakes and rattles. I slowly approach it and lift the lid up, and out jumps a light grey cat. "Ahh." Serena grunts and backs away. She's allergic to cats. This one looks scared and like it's been through a lot. I crouch down and put my hand out to it. "Hey. Hey little guy. Come here. Don't worry, I won't hurt you." I say. It creeps closer and sniffs my hand. I reach up to pet it and it cowers back again. I smile, and stand up. I turn towards Serena. "Come on, we still need to find the shadehunters." I say. I start walking towards the end of the ally, and Serena follows. The cat also follows. We all wander around a bit, Serena staying away from the cat. Suddenly the cat rushes ahead of us and turns a corner. I turn to Serena and she shrugs. We follow it as best we can, cause it's running fast. Finally it stops at a huge ruined church. "Where have you taken us?" I ask the cat. It walks forward, and into the church. We both follow. I sniff the air when we walk in and smell the recognizable smell of shadehunters. There is an elevator in the back wall of the church. The cat sits in front of it. I walk to the elevator, and see that the cat is staring at the button. "I don't think it works, buddy." I say, but press it anyways. Surprisingly, I can hear the elevator approaching from above. When it goes ding and opens, the cat walks in, and sits down. Me and Serena walk in and I press the button inside. The doors close and the elevator starts going up. When the doors open again, we are in some kind of stone institute. The cat sniffs the air and walks in a certain direction. We follow, eventually we reach a wooden door and it turns around, sits down, and meows. I look at Serena, "Well, open it." She says. I walk forward and open the door. Inside is a library, with seven people inside. They were conversing, but stopped and stared when we entered. I sniff, and identify five as shadehunters, one as a vampire, and one as a wizard. "Uhh, hi." I say.

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