Chapter 2

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I teleport outside after telling Screwtape to stay with Midnight. The smell is getting stronger, and harder to ignore. It's starting to make me dizzy. Outside there is a large pack of wolves running rampant. They are chasing people around, and attacking them. I try to help where I can, but with my vision blurring it's hard. I pull a wolf off a man in a plaid shirt. The wolf snarls at me and lunges. I grab him an teleport us into the air where I put him underneath me, and when we hit the ground he gets hurt, and I land on him. I run off to save a group of school girls from a pair of wolves. Finally I end up running them off. The wolves head back to the edge of town and into the forest. Injured people start moving towards the closest hospital. I moved towards the center of town in my fight with the wolves so I teleport back to the health clinic, and tell Dr. Screwtape what happened. "They were werewolves of course, and the were like Midnight. They seemed like actual animals." I explain. "Hmm." Screwtape strokes his beard, deep in thought. My vision starts to sharpen, my hearing heightens, and my nose gets even stronger. I bend over and growl. "Joey what's wrong?" Screwtape asks, but I can hardly hear him. I fall on the floor and role around. It hurts so bad! My vision suddenly goes black...
I look up and see a man standing there. He is wearing a white coat, and looks very old. His heart rate is quickening, and fight or flight senses are activating. I look over to my left and see a girl lying on a bed. She is unconscious, and her heart rate is very slow. I look to my right and see a window. I rush at it and jump through it breaking the glass. I fall two stories before I land on my feet on the ground. I don't know what I am supposed to do. I didn't feel like that man was my target. Who is responsible for me? I suddenly feel like every one is my target. I turn to the closest person, a woman in a red sundress looking at me with shock, reach out, pick her up and throw her across the street. She screams until she hits a lamp  post. People start scrambling to get away from me, but I am quick. I grab a man and he screams as I bite into his neck and rip out his throat. The taste of human blood is new to me, and I love it! I chase after a surprisingly quick man who is very pale and has a closed umbrella under his arm. He must be a vampire. I teleport to right in front of him and grab his hands with my left hand and his feet with my right, and tear him in half. I throw the body parts to the roof of a nearby building. Suddenly a stranger with long blue hair and a sword runs up to me. She is in a fighting stance. "Joey! Joey, stop this! What are you doing, you are supposed to protect this town, not attack it!" She yells at me, still ready to pounce. I don't know what she's talking about. I run at her, ready to eat her head. She dodges as I reach out for her and slices down with her sword. It hits my shoulder and I roar in pain and anger. I teleport behind her, but she's turned around and swinging at my hip. I teleport again but as I land, her sword hits my leg. I scream and fall to the ground. I've lost a lot of blood. I think I'm going to pass out...

Angels and DemonsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz