Chapter 3

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I wake up in a hospital bed. The last thing I remember is the intoxicating smell, and then everything went dark. I groan as I sit up. Serena suddenly enters my vision. I look at her and ask, "What happened?" She shakes her head. "Joey. You were completely insane. You weren't you. Kind of like an actual enderman, when a human looks into its eyes, now that I think about it. You said that didn't happen to you cause you weren't fully enderman." She explains. My heart drops. I was agro... How did that happen? Endermen will agro on something if they look straight into the enderman's eyes. They lose all self control and are a completely different person. They gain incredible strength and speed as well. I may have been raised by endermen, but since I'm human I can't agro. "Who was my target?" I ask. "That's the worst part, you didn't have a target. You killed two people, injured one, and attacked me before I took you out." She says. I cover my mouth. "A killed innocents?" I whisper. It's one of my worst nightmares, killing someone who did nothing to me at all, nothing to deserve to die. Serena nods gravely. I gasp as realization hits me like a truck. "The smell..." I say. "What?" Serena is confused. "The smell. The smell that made Midnight go feral. And the werewolves go crazy." I explain. I sniff the air. I can still smell it. It's getting really strong now. But it's not making me feel all fuzzy anymore. "Can't you smell it? Now that I think of it it's all I smell now." I say. She deeply sniffs the air. "Kind of. It smells like.... I don't know. It just smells really good." She says. "Don't smell it!" I say. "Do you still have those gas masks?" I ask. "Yeah, but they don't work, remember." She answers. "Oh they worked, you just couldn't tell." I say. I get up and put my arm around her waist, I then teleport is to our bedroom where I get into our closet and pull out a trio of gas masks. I toss one to her and put the other one on me. "Put it on." I say, my voice slightly muffled by the mask. She does. I can't smell it anymore. Come on, let's go give this one to Midnight. Do not take it off." I say. Then I teleport us to the clinic where Midnight is. She isn't on the bed any more. But as I'm about to teleport us to her bakery the comes out of the bathroom. "Joey! Serena. What are you guys doing here? Also what am I doing here?" She asks. I explain what happened and why and then give her the gas mask to put on. "Keep this on you at all times." I tell her. "Come on. We're going to get to the bottom of this smell." I say. I lead us outside.  "So, uh Joey, how are we supposed to find whatever is causing the smell?" Midnight asks. "I don't know, but we're going to start searching outwards, from the center of town. Come on." It could take a long time, but this is serious. We have to figure this out before anyone else gets hurt. I start walking down the street to the nearby, town center. We get there and start searching around the buildings. I'm looking under some empty boxes when a big CRACK sound booms from above me. I look up and there is a huge white rift in the sky. I watch on as it widens, and lathe winged figures start flying out. "What in the world?" I say. Suddenly the street cracks too. I jump out of the way and look into the newly opened hole. It glows red as big black winged demons fly out. They start picking up people and eating them whole. The ones from the sky pull out flaming swords and start slicing up buildings, and demons alike. I suddenly realize what they are. "Oh no..." I say. They're angels.

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