Chapter 7

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We rush to the elevator. They get in and I teleport me and Serena up to the surface. There are winged demons invading the church. I pull out my endorium knife and throw it at one. It falls to the floor, dead. I teleport over and pull out my knife. That's when the shadehunters come out of the elevator. Magnus stays inside it, away from the fighting. Alec starts firing a bow, and Isabelle unwraps one of her gold bracelets and it turns out to be a glittering golden whip. Maryse has a broadsword. Jace and Clary both have glowing white short swords. Simon puts out his needle like fangs. They all start attacking, including Serena using her own sword. I join in and fling my knife a few more times. Eventually the demon horde is dead, and there is ichor all over the floor, along with dead demon bodies. "What was that? I thought this place was safe." I say. "I don't think anywhere is safe anymore." Maryse says. "We need to go. Clary, have you gotten any word from Jocelyn and Luke?" She asks. "No, but I can call her and tell her were leaving. She'll meet us there." Answers Clary. Maryse nod. Clary exits the room to call Jocelyn. "I know where we can go. It's safe from angels and demons. Neither of them have access to this place. Because Heaven didn't create the world, and Hell has no influence over it." I explain. "But be warned, don't, I repeat, do not look any of them in the eyes. And if you need to throw up, do it over the edge." I walk to Jace and Clary first because they are the closest. "Hold my hands." I say stretching my arms towards them. They hesitate at first. "I won't bite." I say. Clary hesitantly holds my hand, but Jace wraps his hand around my wrist. I teleport us to the End, but close to the edge. Clary looks ready to puke, but Jace looks fine. "Off the edge!" I say. Clary runs to the nearby edge of the island and throws up into the endless void of darkness. I teleport back and take Simon and Alec. Simon doesn't have anything to throw up, but he looks like he is ready to do so anyways, and Alec does get sick off the edge. I go back once again for Maryse and Magnus. They both make it with sick looks on their faces. "That's not how I prefer to do that..." Magnus says. "Ok I think that's everyone." I say. "Follow me." I say waving them towards the middle of the island. "Wait, what about my daughter?" Asks Maryse. 'And Serena?' Tyrone asks. "Oh yeah..." I say. I shake my head. How did I forget both of them? "They slipped... my mind? I'll be right back." I teleport back to the church and see Isabelle and Serena fighting. "Woah woah! Stop, what's wrong?" I pull them apart. They look ready to kill each other. "She's a b-" Serena starts. "I asked what's wrong, not what you think of her." I interrupt. "She was intruding on my personal matters." Isabelle says. "And instead of asking me to stop, she screeched like a banshee, and attacked me. Look at the scratch she gave me! Her claws are vicious." Serena explains. "You guys need to stop fighting. We're never going to get through this crisis if you two are trying to kill each other. Just stay away from each other." I say. "Serena, I thought you were better than this." They both nod. I teleport us to the End. The others are waiting.

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