Dream Of Nightmare?

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  Chase P.O.V
I woke up on a bed,it was green,everything seemed normal but at the same time not,is that a normal feeling.I got up from the bed,when m feet touched the ground,the ground went white.What was going on,I've never done that,I looked at my hands they where covered with white gloves and my close they where white too.I looked around everything seemed normal,but it didn't feel like it.I grabbed my sword,it had turned black.I looked on a mirror,my eyes weren't blue and red they where black and white.My goggles had disappeared,and my hair was white,this was weird.I walked out the door,it there was a field,a bright yellow sky,a cherry blossom tree,and a women and a man sitting together under the tree.I walked up to them,I made out there faces,they where my mom and dad.
I ran up to them with tears of joy,by the time I got to them,they disappeared into thin air.The cherry tree went leave less,the ground went black,I fell through the ground,straight on my back.I it hurt a lot,but I got up.
"Who's ever there come out and show your self"
"Oh but I couldn't show my self,I'm not complete yet,but I will soon"someone said.I saw a shadowy figure come out.I felt chills go up my spin.The shadow went through me.
"You don't want to stay long"he said.I got scared,tears went down my face.I took a step and I fell again,this time it was the same as the first,except I was in the arms of my mom,I hugged her really tight,I cried and cried.
"Don't worry Chase mom's here"mom said.
"Don't forget about me"dad said.I hugged him too.I turned my head and saw the shadow again.
I opened my eyes screaming.I was in the same room,that's what terrify's me.Lloyd ran in.
"Whats wrong"Lloyd said.I looked around,I looked at my close,they where normal,my sword was normal,that feeling I had had gone away,but I still did feel right.
"Chase what's wrong ?"Lloyd asked.
"There was a shadow"
"Chase that was a nightmare"Lloyd said.It sure didn't feel like one.
"Just go back to sleep,it was only a dream"Lloyd said.After that dream I didn't feel like sleeping,I didn't even feel like going of the bed.That dream might have scared me for life,I'm only 10,10 year old's don't dream stuff like that.
"I can't,after that dream,I don't even know if this is reality"
"Than just pinch your self"Lloyd said.I felt the pain of falling on my back,and I felt when the shadow went through me.
"I don't think that's gonna work"
"Well then you can drink milk ?"Lloyd said.I remembered when I touched the ground it went white,I guess that was the test.I put one slowly on the floor nothing happened,I put my other nothing happened.I stood up.
"What was your dream about ?"Lloyd said.Well I woke up with different close and sword,I saw my dead parents that where wake,there was a shadow figure that might come after me,and I almost died.
"To hard to explain"
"Its just a dream nothing bad will happen if you tell me"Lloyd said.I still didn't want to explain,I didn't want the memory of it to come back.
I sat in the chair drinking the milk,thinking about what he said,I'm not complete yet,but I will be soon.That really scared me...
Lloyd's P.O.V
Something really scared this kid,he didn't want to move off the bed,he doesn't even want to tell me what happened in his dream.I have to convince him to tell me,but how....  

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