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  Chase P.O.V
I sat down at the table.
"Guys I found out something awesome !"Lloyd said.
"What a girl friend ?"Jay said.
"No Jay,but Chase has powers"Lloyd said.
"Sweet"all of them said.
"I thought you didn't believe in powers ?"Cole said.
"People told me there not real,but in movies they where real so eh,50 50"
"How'd you find out ?"Kai asked.
"Well,I was looking for my sword,then a wolf came out,I was scared,then my hand just shot light at it"
"Sweet"Jay said.
"You think he can join the team ?"Cole asks.
"I think he's too young"Kai said.
"Hey just cuz I'm 10 doesn't mean I'm weak"
"Then why don't you have a sparing match with all of use,if you pin all of use for 5 seconds you get join the team"Zane said.
"Wait what ?"all of them said.
"I don't really care,I'll beat you all".I make a fist and throw it up in the air.
"You seem a little to confident there"Kai said.
"I'm not confident I'm positive"
"Well see"Cole said.I'm positive I'll win,I was trained by the best CIA agent there is,but there ninja,eh who cares,plus know I have powers,that even awesomer.
"Oh right,you guys don't want to make me pissed"
"Why not?"Cole said.
"You just don't"Lloyd said.I grabbed an apple and bite into it.I remember my birthday was a weak from now.I started jumping up and down.
"I think he's sugar high"Kai said.
"I'm not sugar high,I just remembered my birthday's in a week"
"Cool,we'll celebrate"Jay said.
"I've never had a ninja birthday,it must be cool".I walked away from the kitchen,back into Lloyd's room,I realized I still had blood on my shirt and pants.What do I do about these blood stains ?,dammit.I'll ask Nya.I walk out the room and go to Nya's room.I knock on the door,Nya opens the door.
"Hey Chase"Nya said.
"Um can you help me with these stains ?"
"Hm? I can't do nothing about those stains but I can go buy you more close"Nya said.
Me and Nya walked out back into the kitchen.
"Bye guys,I'ma guy Chase stuff"Nya said.
"One condition you cannot make me a dress up doll"
"I'll try"Nya said.
"Wait how come you have so much money ?"Kai said.
"I'm a girl,I have a credit card duh"Nya said.
"Wait what about the sparing ?"Cole said.
"I'll come back and do it,duh man do you guys have patience ?"
"Ya"all of them said.Me and Nya walked out the kitchen onto the deck,we climbed down the anchor into the city.I put my hands behind my neck.
"So Nya,why are you part of the team ?"
"Well Chase,I was originally Samurai X,the sensie trained me and I became the water ninja"Nya said.
"You think he can train me,I don't know how to control my power"
"So you already unlocked it ?"Nya said.
"Ya but I've only used it twice,both by mistake"
"Maybe sensei can help you,how'd you do it anyway ?"Nya asked.
"The first was against a wolf,then against Lloyd"
"Why Lloyd ?"Nya asked.
"Uh I got really pissed of at him,because he lost my sword,I got so pissed that I made a ball of light and almost shot it through him"
"Wow,who would have thought you would have an element,well didn't think Lloyd either but he came out as the green ninja,oh well you never know what the future holds"Nya said.
"I guess you right".We walked into a store.Nay grabbed so close,handed them to me and pushed me into the changing room.Dammit I'm gonna be her little doll aren't I.After a million outfits,we left the store.We walked into a girl store,I guess Nya was gonna get some stuff.
"Wait here don't move"Nya said.
"I'm not an idiot,I won't let anyone take me"
"Just don't move"Nya said.I put on my hood.I felt like I was being watched.It was probably nothing,I was at a mall there was million people.The feeling got stronger,I got up and walked to the store.Before I could enter someone grabbed me and pulled me into a dark part of the mall.I looked up it was Lloyd.
"Oh its just you Lloyd"
"Ya could say I'm Lloyd"he said.It felt like it wasn't Lloyd even though it looked like him.My gut instinct said it wasn't him so I followed it.Before I could say anything,Lloyd covered my mouth and put a knife to my neck.
"Scream and you get cut".Now I totally new that wasn't Lloyd,he would never do that.Everything went black....  

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