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  Chase P.O.V
As much as I wanted to tell Lloyd what my dream was I was terrified to even think of it.I know dreams aren't real but that one felt real.Have you ever had a dream that you where falling,then in real life you actually move and you terrified that you fell to your death,well its kinda like that.I finished that last of my milk,I still wasn't tired.Every time I blinked I saw the shadow figure.
"Chase please tell me"Lloyd said.
"As much as I do it terrify's me to even think about it"
"If you tell me maybe I can help you"Lloyd said.
"Nah I'll just do something to get my mind of it"
"Like what ?"Lloyd said.
"Nothing important to you".I got up and went back into the room and grabbed my sword,I walked back into the kitchen.
"Don't follow me".I walked out onto the deck,I climbed down the anchor and went into the forest..
I pulled out my sword and jam it into the side of a tree,I take it out and I do it again.I look at the moon it was a full moon.I walk deeper into the forest,I drag my sword along on the ground,the deeper I go the more snow there is.It scrapes through the rocks and sticks.I found a really huge tree.I put my sword on my back on climbed up.I sat on a branch and looked out into the forest.What was that dream about,it didn't feel like a dream it felt real,I look at my hands I open and close them.I pull out my sword.
"Who would have thought a 10 year old would have a sword,especially this one,it really strong,and sharp".I put my hand on it.I felt my dad's spirit along looking after me,and my mom's as well.I climbed down the tree.As soon as I touch the ground I hear growls behind me,I got scared super scared.There where wolf's behind me wasn't there,well nice knowing ya world my time has,wait no I don't give up that easily.I turned around,I drew my sword.I gave the wolf a death stair.They walk closer and closer to me.I'm scared but I try not to show it.The wolf howls.He jumps on me and knocks me down,he starts scratching my face,and my chest,he starts biting my arm.I scream in pain.I make a a fist,I punch the wolf and light comes out of it.The all the wolfs run off.I bled from my face and chest and arm a loos a lot of blood.Everything is spinning,I was on the snow and everything goes black.
Lloyd's P.O.V
I have a bad feeling,I run into my room and change into my ninja GI.Everyone's still asleep,I'll go alone.I run out onto the deck and climb down the anchor.I saw him run into the forest,I run into the forest.The deeper I go the more snow I see and the colder it gets.I see a line,I should follow it,maybe Chase made it.I start running,as am I'm running I see some wolf's,one on the floor with a hole in his chest.
"Crap I think Chase did that,but no he can't,he doesn't have an element,or does he ?".I kept following the line it ended at Chase's bloody body on the snow unconscious.  

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