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  (that's him just imagine he has black hair)----->
Lloyd's P.O.V
I saw Chase's body in the snow,I immediately ran to it.
"Please be okay please".I check his pulse his still has one.I picked him up.I run back to the bounty.
"Come on Chase hold on a little tighter".I arrive outside the bounty,I put Chase over my shoulder and start climbing up the anchor.I run into the living room and put Chase down on the couch.I go and get the others.
Chase P.O.V
Everything blurry and spinning,I look at my am its really bloody.I''m laiying down on the couch,how'd I get here ?,weird.My eyes start to open and close.My eyes close entirely.I'm back,I'm under the tree again.But now alone.Now mom no dad no shadow.Everything was calm,I caught a pedal in my hand.It was different from the other,instead of being pink it blue and red.What did that mean ?,I look up,there was a lady in all white,she was smiling at me.
"Chase congratulation you have unlocked your powers,but beware they might but others in danger"she said.Before I could even say anything back to her she disappeared into thin air.What did that mean,put others in danger,what does any of this mean ?,I look around but nothing and no one.I clutch the pedal in my hand.
I open my eyes.
"Thank god he's alive"Lloyd said.I tried to scoot up but that hurt,everything hurt.
"Don't move to much"a man with a white beard said.I stay in one place,I didn't want more pain.I look into my hand and the pedal was there,now I'm even more confused.Was that a dream or reality,my life is so confusing.
"There,now you shouldn't try to move to much if not it will hurt"the man said.He was right it did hurt to move.
"What happened ?"
"Well I had a bad feeling,so I went to go look for you and I found you bloody and unconscious"Lloyd said.
"Thanks,for saving me,I could have died"
"No problem but you should be more careful"Lloyd said.
"He should get his rest now"the man said.I was really tired,I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Lloyd P.O.V
I walked into my room.I changed to my pajamas and laied in bed.That wolf with that hle in his chest,could Chase have done that ?,no he didn't believe in elemental power,but then again before I was the green ninja I didn't have powers.This is confusing,I'll just sleep it off,I'll just ask sensei tomorrow morning.I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Chase P.O.V
I'm back under the tree,I was covered in bandages,and I still had the pedal.I got up.Why am I here ?,what is this place ?
"This Chase is some place special few people come here"someone said.
"But why am I here,I'm not special"
"Chase of course your special,your not a ordinary boy you know"she said.I turn around and it was the women in white.She kneeled down.
"Here take this I think it might come in handy,but you can only use it twice"she said.It was a necklace,it had a sun on it.I put it on.
"Thank you"
"No problem"she said.
"So,what's this room do ?"
"When ever you need help or something important happens,you'll come here"she said.
"Then why was that shadow man here"
"He had to tell you something to any magical being can enter this place,but only human can be called upon here"she said.
"Hey lady what's your name ?"
"My name,its Margret"she said.
"Nice name"
"Why thank you young man"Margret said.She got up and disappeared again.
I opened my eyes,I tried to move but it hurt.I move my good hand to my neck to see if the necklace is there,and it is.My eyes widen,I clutch it and,everything stop hurting.I got up from the couch.I open and close my hands,I jump up and down,nothing hurts,this is impossible,how am I,this is weird.I looked at a clock,only 9:00 am.I didn't want to rummage around for food,I think I might make noise and wake everyone up.   

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