Chapter 8

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All of the girls excluding Minami looked down at you.

"Don't hurt her! Please, guys, she's right. She didn't do anything, let's go!" Minami pleaded.

"Minami-chan, you're always too nice. This girl needs to learn a lesson," her friend said, glaring at me. You tried to crawl away, but it didn't work. The girl that was just talking to Minami grabbed your shoulders and shoved you against the wall.

You were punched and kicked and soon had many bruises and blood all over your body. You were a strong person, so you tried to fight back. But with three people (excluding Minami) hurting you, you couldn't do anything.

Minami was pleading and crying and saying to let me go. However, none of her friends listened to her.

After a while, you slowly started to lose consciousness. You tried to stay awake, but it was hard to. All the injuries on your body took was taking its toll.

The whole time, you were imagining someone to save you. Kuranosuke. You felt like one of those people in movies where when a girl is being bullied, the guy saves her. Obviously, that wasn't going to happen.

But, anyways, you lost consciousness. No, you didn't hear someone calling your name from a far away distance, and no, somebody didn't take you into their arms and whisper, "It's going to be all right."

You were slumped against the wall with  your bloody body sat. You weren't dead, just unconciousness.

Finally, when you were unconciousness, the girls stopped. Minami sighed thankfully, and then turned to look at you. Minami felt really bad. Even though she knew that when you woke up, you weren't going to be mad at her, she still felt guilty.


You awoke to a white scenery. Your bones hurt, your body hurt; everything hurt. You tried getting up, and then you remembered all that had happened. But...who brought you to the nurse?

"You awake?" you heard a voice call. You turned your head and saw Minami there; she looked so guilty and down that you felt bad almost immediately.

"Hey, Ito-chan, it's not your fault. I don't blame you. It was your friends who did it, and plus, I remember you pleading to them to stop," you said, while smiling.

"I...I knew you would say that. And I'm honestly sorry about what happened. I'm going to be 100% honest right now: I used to feel a little jealous. But I don't anymore, I promise. I do love Kuranosuke, so...I want you to be honest with me to," she confessed. You widened your eyes in surprise. And then you smiled.

"Okay then, I'll be honest too. I did, I repeat, did like Kura-kun. But now, I'm not too sure. I haven't been in touch with him because I didn't want to cause any waves between you guys. I think it's really fate that both of you liked each other, and now both of you are together. So you don't have to worry about me. Okay?" you told her.

Minami chuckled, and said, "I knew it. Thank you very much. But I trust that you won't do anything, so you can talk to Kuranosuke," she said.

It was actually surprising, that you and your crush's girlfriend formed a friendship that day. You were happy. But there was one thing that you lied about. You said you were not sure if you liked Kuranosuke.

You still did.

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