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Emma's p.o.v.
"Emma are you ready to go to Miami". I hear my dad yelling from down stairs yes i yelled i walked down about to cry leaveing all my friends behind i'm going to miss them.
As we got to the airport my dad tells me to used the bathroom because the flight is 15 hours long. As we borded the plan i put my head phones in and tryed to fall asleep but my dad kept talking to me A women came up and asked if we need anything i said no but my dad just kept bugging me
Finally he fell asleep.I was  wondering  what he was trying to tell me i guess i will find out later.
10 hours later my dad wakes me up and gives me a neck pillow thanks i tell him and he stays up. while i sleep for another 3 hours when i wake up i see my dad staring.what i managed to say sitting up you "look like your mother you know that" He gave me a smile and i hug him and i started to tear up and "asked me what was rong "i just miss her i spit out .and cryed when i remember that today was my mothers birthday

when he noticed he huged me tighter and cheered me up by talking about him being the new principal at my school he said" i tryed telling you earlier but you was ignoring me" sorry i said. I wish i didnt ignore him know it must be rough his late wifes birthday is today moving back where thay first met. I got snaped out of thought when the
flight attendant told us to buckle up we'll be landing in 10 minutes so I did as I was told and buckle up when we got out of the plan i ran   straight for my luggage then we headed home.

as soon as we got home we saw all our stuff are couches are TVs and everything and I got home I started to  unpacking all my stuff in my room leaveing boxes left to go  get pizza at this new place called 7
As I was getting some boxes inside I saw this really cute boy throwing socks away for some reason as he open the trash can  butterflies. Came out of the trash cans .
he see's them and starts screaming and yelling I guess he's afraid of butterflies as. I saw him  hit the butterflies away he looked at me and all of that hit me was love at first sight and then I pick up this box and a girl  comes up to me and she says" hi I'm Andy nice to meet you". I'm emma nice to meet you too . "She asked if she could. help" as i said yes she picked up the box all my books fell out and  we pick them up and she help the some of the boxes in the house her dad needed her for something car related.
i still have some boxes left.
Daniel came over and "asked me if I needed some help" and I said yes well after I  starred a little bit longer he was so cute he had brown hair and brown eyes how cute is that .
Some of the boxes was too heavy for me to carry  so Daniel to put them in the attic for me while my dad was getting pizza." he asked if I was getting pizza at the 7 I said yes why he said that is the best place ever his best friend Diego owns it"
As we have more conversations we sitting on the couch and we learn about each other "he said he had three siblings two boys and one girl their names are Tommy Rob and Melanie  also known as the t3
because he like to pull pranks"
As we continue to talk he asked me" why I was all alone he asked me where my mother was" i told him my mom was in  car accident when I was 4 she left me with my dad so she could go get me a birthday present my birthday was like in 1 mouth and she was hit by a drunk driver and died immediately and after I said that I had a tear in my eye and he walked up to me and give me a hug he said he "was sorry for my loss" and
With that he leaned in and I'll leaned in but my dad came in the door and. Yells pizza and we pull away from each other I don't think he saw but he might have someone.
Daniel goes out the house he says nice boy you got there, and I'll start blushing immediately I could feel my cheeks turn red as he said that.

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