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Emma's pov
So i decided to let dani explain about the thing at school. I walk in and i see daniel on his couch. Crying with tissues i also see wholes in the wall
Daniel what in the world happend "emma let me explain please"
Daniel thats why im herr i felt bad for bot letting you explain so shoot
"Ok so i was leaving my classroom and i see this new girl crying and i went up and i asked her if she was ok her boyfriend cheated on her i tryed comforting her but it didnt work so i have her a hug and she looked up and kissed me i immediately push her off and when I did I saw you staring and one off crying and when I had tried to run after you should pull me back and said don't go after her you should have me not hard you don't even know her I posted it again and run after you but when I got there I saw you and the gang and I saw you crying and drinking so I decide to leave you alone and then when Maddie cast the spell whoever I'm so confused about that and I texted you wouldn't give me a chance so I started drinking and I ended up here
And thats all i remember"
Dani im so sorry i sgould of let you explain I'm so sorry I guess this would happen to me before when I was in New York and some got you to me had to guess I never found love again until I met you and well so you can set of the girl that just made me if you like I don't know what that me feel
"Emma i will never do that to you will you give me another cance and be my girlfriend "
Yes i would be honored to be your girlfriend again
"Do u wantvsome pizza on me of corse and let the gang know ots official "
Yes and gigi will be there so everyone will know your mine"and evwryone will nlknow to srat away from my girl "
At the 7
We walk in holding hands  everyone is staring gigi comes in and drops the pizza i mean dose everyone have to stare at the door when someone comes in
Gigi this is miss imformation here to report that daniel miller and new girl emma Alonso are at the 7 holding hands is it official are you guys dateing
"Yes we are dateing"
Gigi you guys heard ot here demma is official
This is gigi saying you have been misinformed "
"We sit down and daniel ordered a medium pizza and we finished it all"
D:"so how is ot going in mimi so far"
Really good i like this guy and we might be together soon"
He smiles at me know who is this guy os he hot or sexy" sexy and hiss name is daniel rameriz i joke"he smiland pushes me playfully "well im glade i could be here with you
"What is your dream date"
I guy and me walking on the beach talking and walking with oir ahoes in our hands at night watching the sunset
"Wow thats sounds romantic "
Yep im kinda of a romantic girl
Well tomorrow will you do me the honor of letting me take you on our first official date
Yes i would honored to join you on the date with that we walk home
"So i will pick you up at 7 tomorrow will that be ok "
Yes "ok bring extra clothes we will leave them in my car and dress nice "
Ok i will seee you tomorrow
"I open the door and yelled foe what im seeing right now i see my dad he is back "
Dad i love you so much "i love you too "i missed you too "i missed you to but im really sleepy xan i got reat " yeah im going to bed too goodnight love you. I go to my room I turn on the music and it automatically turns a lot of great song shut up and dance bye walk the moon
Automatically start singing and dancing but that comes in I thought you were going to bed I was but then my phone cant mom I'll get ready and they automatically get into my rainbow shorts and I had a GD top kind of grill if you ask me but I really didn't go to sleep I say it up and I finished practicing about me and Daniel yes a scrapbook kind of Kiddush what is me and I'll love it I love glitter I love taking pictures on a good for talking for when I grow up
After I got finished scrapbooking I wake up and move the night and realized I fell asleep almost hot looking table I wake up and I see someone I screamed as I found out it was just Agamemnon and Desdemona but who can blame  me on the chosen ones  are supposed to have a guardian
But i have lily the school nurse thata how i know so much about me and witches i met lily the first day but no one nows but somethimes they ahow up unexpected soon has i scream they vanished and my bad runs in "what in thw world are you ok em "
Yeah i jiat had a wired dream i lied case i really dont know if he knows about magic and if he dosent im not allowed to tell them they git mad when i told the group but they let it slide becase i need someone to have my back
"Well try to get some sleep "
Om goodnight love you " i i love you too
With that iwent stright to bed and feel alseep and i swear i saw them again but i think i t was jist my imagination maybe im really not for sure i mean it wad 5 in the mourning. I could of just imagined it knowing me i did

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