Meeting The T3

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Today is the day i meet dani siblings for the first time apparently they are really bad like realreally bad like the threw fish on their mother last week died danis shorta pink threw spaghetti on deigopit green paint on maddie and coverd thwir principle in chocolate for giving themn detention. Witch they got more of
But i dont care dani will be there to protect me and they havent messed with andi i guess they are afraid of her i would be too
At the millers
Hi im emma nice to meet you
"Well hello im Christina this is mark and these bundle of joy are
Tommy Melanie and Robert but we call him rob"
Well nice to meet you guys "so your are the famous girlfriend daniel has been dateing and talking about "Melanie nock it off i dont talk about you"
M"oh yess he dose her hair her eye shebis just so darn beautiful "
D"ok letsbget out of hear so i dont get more embarrassed.
Daniels pov:
My parents had to leave for some reason now im stuck with the T3 and emma hasnt left im so glad or i would have probably kill them bye now me and emma left and went to my room its been almost 2 mouths and we are still dateing tomorrow is our 2 mouth anniversary I cant wait
So while we was in my room i heard alotbof commotion so i wenr to. Check it out emma being emma decided to go first
"Omg what is this stuff "
Omg emma are you alright
"Yes danny im fine just fell in some buget of goo"
Than how is it all over you and the floor
"I dont know "
T3 get in here right now
Right as i say that they come from behind the Couch "sorry"
You should not be apologizing to me "sorry emma it was just a prank"
E:i know and its alright i think its funny when you guys do pranks "is that why you tryed to lie"
E:yes i tryed but i falied miserably as you can see
Emma dont encourage them they will do it more often "sorry danny"
Come on lets get you cleaned up what is this stuff anyways
"Its jam "
You guys wasted so much jam now clean it up
"Ok we will "
Now emma lets go
"Man when did i marry my dad"haha very funny now lets go
"Ok ok im going no need to get all grouchy on me"
We finally get to my room
"I need to take a shower can i use yours "
Of course do you want to borrow some of my clothes. If you dont mind"
Not at all
I give her my fav t-shirt and some jogging pants
Here you go
"Thanks danny your the best "
You know i can always lick you clean
"Danny no im not ready and when im i will let you know witch will be a qhile since we are only 15 now im going to take a shower " can i join
"Of course not maybe next time " ok well i will be helping the T3 clean up before my parwnts get home "ok see you in a few"
I walk in and i see that they are finished already
Wow that was fast
Ok do you guys want to play games
"Yes " but first why did you pull a prank on emma "we didnt meen to it was for you we love emma way way more than maddie your ex. She is so nice and sweet she just lied to save us but she was really bad at it thoe " yeah i can always tell when she lies. She always looks away
"Yeah no kidding so now can we play games "
Yes lets play Twister
M:im totally going to win
T:no im going to win
R: no way its so me
Em:no way losers its so going to be me
D: ok i will be the spinner Em:your all going down
T3:how much do you want to bet that one of ise will win. We bet that if we win that you have to me our maid
Em:ok and if i win you guys cant prank for 3 weeks
T3:what no
Em: come on i thought one of you guys was going to win
T3:your on
Ok ok lets play the game
No ones pov
While we was playing i was like so aure emma was going to lose bit she didnt
"First tommy fell and lost"
Than it was Robby he sneezed and lost his balance and tumbled over than it was emma and Melanie
It lasted for 30 min until it said let foot on green there was no green where emma was so she had loft her foot over her head i was so shocked i mean i disnt know she was even flexible.
I guess every one was case rob and tommy just opend their mouths and Melanie jist looked at her i guess she was so shocked that she fell. So emma won
Emma you won
"Yes no prabks for 3 weeks"
T3 no please
Em: ok since i love you guya i will nock ot down for 1 week deal
T3 deal
Em:hey you guys it getting pretty late im going to head home "
Ok i will walk you
Em:thank you
No problem omg em i cant belive what jiat happend
Em:yeah i use to do ballet but i stiped but im atill very flexible "
I cant belive they cant do pranks for 1 week i love it this will be a great week
Em:yeah i know bye danny have a good night"
Bye em goodnight and sweet dreams

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