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Ok so we are finally home and we decided to start training after school so at 2 .i cant wait to pratice i have never done anything with my powers i dont even know how to activate them. I was interrupted by someone knocking at the door i wounder who that is
Oh hey danni sorry im almost ready i just need to go get my back pack
"Ok well we have 15min and it takes 10min to get ther so we will have 5 min to hang and go to our lockers "
Ok thats fine lets go so we can have at lest 6 min to talk and stuff. .
so where have you been i havent talk all week since we found out that deigo was my brother
"about that i have been busy "
Oh ok well did you hear my dad is the principle next week we got a sub now i wounder who that will be
"Yeah i know its a
women "
Thats so cool lets go in and meet her
"As we go in the office i see frogs the swim techer or couch of the sharks and the new principle i think her name is Mrs Torres she has blonde hair and blur eyes kinda creepy "
D:"Emma whats wrong "
Oh nothing but i think she is a witch or someting d"how do you know "
The witches council told me that the chosen one knows when someone is a witch or a magical being but somethimes they can hide it but somethimes they dont and right know she is bot hiding it her power color is red with black sparkles in it i wounder what that means
D:come on lets go ask the council see if they know anything about it or her "
Ok lets ok
We go to the nurses office
We get in there and tell them all about her
They tell use that
"She is the x chosen one we sent her to the human worls as a punishment for trying to take over the magic realm "
Ok how do we get rid of her
"Easy but since your not that powerful you will need a another witch or wizard do you know anyone else"
Maddie she is a witch
"Ok well thats good well you know what to do "
Emma's pov
Finally Training i finally get to learn how to us my kanay powers
"Ok emma what you want to do is focus on what you want to do and put all your energy into that okay"
Okay letsvtry it what first
"Snow this aboit how cold it his pit your hand together and make a ball of ice than pop the bubble"
Ok that sounds easy i put my fist together and make a ball thing of ice pretty cool ot starts to flout in the air and i pop it and it starts to snow
"Thats it your doing great"
Deigo its so pretty
"No to make it stop is every easy all you have to do is focus on stoping the snow "
So i focus on stoping the snow it took a while but i finally got the hang of it i saw the snow stop than i see it melt going away slowly it was amazing i love being a kanay
Ok so whats next
"Ok how about a fire ball
This one is kinda hard ok hold your hands tight in a fist and than focus on a fireball for a small one but for a big one just make one apper and twirl it around until it gets bigger and bigger than focus on the fire ball and put all your might and throw ot at you target
"Ok so i did as deigo told me too and it took almost 10min for me get get the hang of it but throwing it was very easy for me
"That was great now show ne your tattoos"
Ok i focus on my arms make a fist i put all my might and my tattoos appear i have a spider while deigo has a snake .
Why is mine a spider and your a snake ?
"I dont know lets find out we can defet the principle when we are for sure about her "
Yeah i know ot dosent seem like a women could cause all this trouble lets go see if hex knows anything
"Ok wait but hex is at a sleep over at andi's remember "
Oh yeah lets go borrow hex
"Do you want me to drive you on my bike case if you walk ots like 20 min we can get there faster"
Are you sure i never road on yours before
"Yeah come on plus yours is at andi's since u gave ot to her"
Yeah witch reminds ne i need a new one bit o well lets go
"Hold on tight "
After about a five min drive since deigo was speading we are at andi's
We know on the door and i see andi with a controller
A"Oh hey emma and Deigo what are you guys doing here dont get me rong i love you guys but im busy with hez we are playing the new zombie apocalypse 4 "
Oh sorry we need to borrow the hex
"Oh ok come in "
As soon as we get in andi's house hex come and i tell him about our tattoos and he turn to a page and stop when we read it explained alot
"Their are two groups a snake tattoo and a spider tattoo. A snake tattoo is the strongest they have one special power witch is different things but they should get the power at age16- 17
Rather the spider tattoo is the same as the snake just not as powerful but they will also have a ability to unlock at 16-17 years of age "
Wow this is amazing i wounder what our power will be here is a list of powers
read minds
Or both of your lucky "
Ok thank you andi we will leave you to playing your game
D"do you think since we are 15and 16 we could have our powers"
Maybe lets go to the council and see
"Ok lets go "
About a 2 min drive we arive at the school we have the key becase my dad was the principle so he has the key until he gets feeling better from his sickness
Deigo pov
Has soon has we get in ther we explain why we are thir and they said they will help us out but they have to see out tattoos se when we show them the tell us about our tattoos and what they mean
Ok not trying to be mean we know already we look in the hex
"Oh ok lets see your powers sgall we"
Since you are brother and sister you will nost likely have the same power"
Adter about 5min of checking our tattoos they find out powers
"Ok so emma has the power to read minds "
"Deigo has the power to read mimds plus Invisibility "
"Aww thats so aswome congratulations deigo i hear emma yell in excitement"
C"since you have snake tattoo and have to more powers you are as string as emma. But emma will be a little bit nore powerful "
Ok that dosent matter
Thanks for your help we really appreciate it
"No problem just come when you need us or here wait instaed of comeing all the time use this phone to call or video chat we will always anwer and you dont even have to have service to call you can ask us over the vido chat or pgone call or we can transport to you if you need help or something way easier than to drive down here all the time "
Ok than you very much come on emma tomorrow is friday and we have school we better get home
"Wait you should get your powers today or tomrrow or be very careful "
Ok thabk you goodbye

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