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Here it goes my first detention at irdium high
I walk stright in smile at everyone and sit down next comes dani then gigi i wounder what she did she is a goody goody .what did you do it get in detention "i was blogging apparently im not alowed to do it during class but o well " wow blogging during class thats a first
Hey dani "hey emma how about we go on that date we talked about "yeah when "how about friday so tomorrow "sounds great "i will pick you up at 5 is that good for you "
Yeah we get out of school at three wait 3:30 becase we have detention tomorrow so i will have 1Hour and 30minutes to get dressed "so will that be enough time" yes just enough "so ots a date. Ots a date "demma once again stop talking or another detention or i will seporate you "
Once again "emma move by andi " ok thats fine with me "hey how is it going " good exempt that bitch keeps on bugging me "i know worst teacher ever "so want to hang out later "yeah after detention you ca come to my house and eat and hang "ok i will be there "
"Emma stop talking" everyone stares at me and i smile ok ok i will stop talking juat stop picking on me "im not picking on you you just will not obey " ok just stop talking to me and leave me alone "excuse me you do not tell me what to do im the adult "
Everyone is ether laughing or stareing . Adults acting like they own the world "excuse me what did you say"
You heard what i said bitch "you can not use that language with me"
And what are you going to do about it. Give me more detention oh no im so scared staying after school for 30 extra minutes "no i will send you too the priceable thats your father "ok im not scared of him. "Emma you need to stop i hear dani and andi say " ok ok i will stop "you better"
Ok i will
The rest of detention was silent no one said a word
After detention
D:what happend back there"
She got on my nerves
D"ok itwas pretty funny
So i will see you tomorrow"
Yeah cant wait
D:all you need is extra clothes and thats it dress nice " ok are you going to tell me what we are doing
D:nope its a surprise"
Ok thats so romantic
D: you will love it dont worry we will drive and you can leave the extra clothes in my car"
Ok well i better leave andi will be waiting for me we are hanging out at my house bye
D: bye
Later that day at my house

o what do you want to do today "lets play zombie apocalypse 3 i jist got it " ok bit if i have nightmares its on you so if you wake up to screaming dont be surprised "ok you get scared " yeah why "the way you dressed seems like you wouldn't be afraid of nothing " yeah juat becase i dress like this dosent mean im not a scaredy cat "ok lats play
"As soon as we started to play i died i got so mad but than laughed at myself. After a while i got tired and went to go get pizza and i see someone out my window outside and I go what are you guys doing "just checking up on you what we said we would" why are you always checking up on me "simply because you are the chose one we have to watch out for you can easily get your power taken away well it's not that's because is someone did you die because your powers. Mak you strong and powerful "what "yes that's our always watching you to make sure it dosent happen wotch is impossible and then we're really really un possible unless your part of the council so we can't even take a them you have to be realy really powerful "
Wow ok thats good so do you know who is powerful enough to take my powers away "no wait one person but he lives far away from here so dont be worried he lives so far from here
Ok any one else "nope"
You can go to your friend now " ok thanks
We played for about 1 hour and went to sleep
The next day
So we wake up and we noticed it was friday and we was really late like 1 hour behind i always forget to sleep beside the alarm becase andi has a habbit to turn it off and go ba k to sleep her dad always has to wake her up. Andi get up we are 1 hour late for school
"What how did that happen
You must of turned off the alarm now get up
Ok ok im up no need to yell" i dont have time for this
"Me and andi are really late so created a tool so we wont be late"
"Wow i love the new spell"
Thanks now lets go we missed first already
"Ok lets go "

s soon has we get into school everone is looking and stareing and i noticed that they was talking about me and andi being late so i geve them a glare "thanks em i dont like people stareing at me " no problem what are best freinds for "she gives me a tight hug " what was that for "you jist said we was best freinds that was so sweet. Thanks" ok ok thats enough lets get to class before we gwt into more trouble for ditching 2 period two "yeah maybe we should"
"As we qalk in wvery one is stareing and dani runs up and hugs me saying he was so worried
A: hey what about me
D: your not my girlfriend your one of my best frinds but i thought you slept in or aomwthing like you always do
A:well i could of got hurt. You dont know
D:oh so did you get hurt
A: no i stayed the night at ems and turned the alarm off at we slept in
D:see told you so but i will still give you a hug
A: yay
Giveing away my hugs i see "oh you will get way more at oir date tonight "
Yay i say copying andi.
We just all laugh and go back to our lesson im surprised i havent got into trouble for talkimg yet this teacher hates my guts
The rest of the day went by very quickly even detention "time to get ready for my date. Cant wait"

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