mia is back

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Emma's pov
Who is that and why are they chasing us
"I need you hurry run run em run now "
No come with me I'm not leaving you behind
"I said run now "
"Nothing is going to happen to me but something will happen if you don't leave i promise"
"now leave before she comes back "

I run a little before I hear a gunshot oh no no no no no
I turn around two see her on the ground but no bullet she she's alive then who got shot I look again to see her crying and running to me I look down and there it is a bullet in my stomach that's why she isn't hurt she didn't get shot I did why me why us who is this ladie I hear another shot but she didn't shot her she blocked with wings how
What are you
"I'm not the only Angel here
What I can't I'm a witch
So I'm a kanay some people are lucky "
I'm lucky to have you
"Em don't close you eyes come on stay awake "
I love you
"No no no we just met come on stay awake don't close those pretty little eyes "
Tell him I love him
"I won't cause your not fucking dieing "
I see him don't let him see me
"Jax no she dosent want you to see her like this "
Babe Babe
I open my eyes to see I'm in my room I'm not shot but I have No idea who that girl was but I have a feeling It I will know her or meet her

Alonso that's it
Next thing I know Diego and Jax are in my room oh no they look at me and a smirk comes on their faces oh no they run towards me I can feel their weight crushes me
I can hear them worshipping oh no next thing I know"I can't breath
Stop Stop I'm up stop tickling me please I can't breath
De:I think she has mad enough not get ready em
I look over and see I have 15 min I quickly jump up and run to the closet grabbed some clothes I grabbed skinny jeans and a crop top with high heels of course I run to the shower I turn on my music "stand by you "
I hurry up and maybe sing a little I quickly get out and get dressed I run down with my hair done but I need my make up I run down stairs and graphics an Apple and a water but before I can run back up the steps Jax grabs me
J:no make up you don't need it "
Yeah I do
J:ok but you got 5 min "
Just enough time
I run to my room and put my foundation and concealer and powder next eye shadow ok next oh no found it blush and I got 1 more min oh no I quickly grab eye liner then put glitter on and"mascara last thing my red lipstick I look on the counter and"I found"my nose ring and my necklace idk who gave it to me but I remember likeing it it's something special and"my ring and I'm done I turn around to see Jax
J:5min was up 4 min ago missy "
Sorry ok I'm ready now let's go to school
J:ok nice nose ring new one "
Yep no let's go I have to organize my locker
J:ok let's go
We finally get to school and when we do I go to my locker when I open it a piece of paper falls out. I pick it up and after 2 min of looking at I finally decide to read it
"Its been two weeks I'm back you probably don't remember me but I remember you you will find who I am maybe today or tomorrow I promise soon "
Wow I wounded who it is after I clean I decided to get to class I walk in and I notice the girl is back I forgot her name mia I think that name sounds familiar I wounded why I sit beside Jax and the bitch I hate starts teaching
J:made it one second before the bell impressive "
T:Emma again"
Bitch again
T:office now
Ok I look around and everyone is doing work losers but the new girl she is starring at me I get my stuff and whisper to Jax to meet me at my locker
Ok I'm going take a chill pill
I go to the office and dad just gave me pass but only one period has soon has I got there it ended so I just left to go meet Jax at my locker when I finally get back my heart is broken I see Jax kissing another girl
Who are you and why are you kissing my boyfriend
?he kissed me"
J:em I swear I thought it was you I'm sorry plus she"looks like you and she was in your locker "
She looks nothing like me
J:E yeah she dose just a little but a girly version "
Who are you and why was you in my locker
?I'm mia I was in your locker to see what my twins classes and then he kissed me "
M:yeah remeber it's not your fault remember
I look around in the hallway and every one is starring probably cause i yelled at her and we might be twins I see gigi recording and Jax looks confused
I hold my head in pure pain some one picks me up but I have"No idea who I see mis worried and I see Diego carrying me
De: what happend to her why was she screaming
M:I don't know it just happened "
De:who ever you are stay away from my family that means me and my sisster got it
M:you don't understand"
De:I do understand if you mess with her you mess with me now get away
Mem mem memory
De:don't talk I got you MOVE HURRY NOW Emma open your eyes don't close them
And that's the last thing I Hurd before I fell asleep

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