new home

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Emma's pov
I cant belive this house omg i love it so much i cant belive my dad got a job and that we moved here let me tell you what happend this mourning
I woke up to dad yelling at me and deigo to start packing
Dad what is going on can you tell us why we hace to pack all of our stuff
"Emma your a witch just use magic to pack all pir stuff "
Ok than can you explain why i have to use a spell to pack up our house
"Yes we are moving you know that big house down the street you said you would love to have closer to andi and daniel"
"That is wear we are moving "
Omg i love you so much but why
"Becase im the new principle so i decided to move closer to school "
Thats amazing im so proud of you .
Present time
I call the second biggist room . I love it so much i got a walk in clost my own bathroom a lock on my room and a balcony
And its so awsome the next door nabor has one too right beside of mine too bad that we wont move in until next week thats when sumer break starts and when my dad becomes the new official principle sice we sent the other to limbo .
I wounder who that kid is
He is moving in well he did laat week but i guess he is just now getting unpacked i see him threw his balcony window i also wounder when i will meet him and what school he goes to i bet he goes to idrium high becase he lives so close
Diego's pov
I woke up to dad yelling aboit moving i was so excited becase my room was small
Emma let me have the biggest room it had a closet and a man cave well its a walk in closet that emma made into a mn cave for me it has a couch a flight screen tv a Xbox one and 360
A ps3 and a popcorn machine. And a minnie fridge so awesome and only i can get in i have a passcode lock on the door but i told emma the code and it a panic room me and emma decide to put camera in every room even out bed rooms but bathrooms are off limits
So the man cave also has a closet thats has the cameras and video in it so we can cheack out if anyone is in the house becase dad is getting a new job so he wont be home that often and he will be busy all the time so why not .
But i think emma. Hose that room becase of the balcony i would to if i was a girl too bad that we move next week i would love to live here right now but summer break starts next week but only for a month
A family moved in like last week a boy looks lile my age i wonder if we will be friends and if he goes to irdium high i will guess we will have to find out then now we just have to tell our friends about moving i dont think they will mind since we are moveing closer to them but i guess we will found out on thurseday witch is tomorrow
Emma's pov
Thursday mourning
Me and deigo decided to tell our friends about moveing i wounder how they will react.
Hey guy we have something very impprtant to tell you guys
Group:"what is it are you guys alright
Yes we are fine but we are moving we dicided to tell you guys first "
Andi:"what im i going to do with out my best friend"
Daniel:"you just got here and now your living me how could you "
Wait danny let us explain
Group: "explain what "
That we are moving closer to you guys right beside maddie and down 2 house from andi and 3 away from daniel
Group:yay omg what about daniel how are we going to tell him wait when are you guys moving"
Next week why
Andi"becase we can pull a prank on him for not trusting you and notetting you finish"
Thats mean but im in what about you guys
Group:yes we are in "
Lets do this andi you pick out the prank
Andi:ok so hear is the plan
Daniel's pov
I cant belive emma she just got here its been almost 10 months
Ans she is leaveing just lile that i cant belive she would do that to me and we just got together it's not even that long almost one year in 2months
I wounder if she knows im going to die alone i see that girl the same girl that kissee me at the office she is pretty cute i know im dateing emma but if she moves im going to hurt her first
Hey beautiful
"Hey handsome "
How about you and me at the seven after school
"Sounds great how about 4 so i can change out of my uniform "
Sounds great meet you there by the way whats your name i have never seen you before expected the time you kissed me
"Oh im mia im new been here for 9months but i had a long distance relationship with my boyfriend and he cheated on me with my brst friend. "
Im sorry abour your boyfriend
"Oh no its ok well i got to get home and get ready "
Yeah see you than
At the seven
Im sitting hear waiting for mia when i here the door open i see the beautiful mia black. Wearing a little black dress
Hey you look beautiful
"You dont look to bad yourself"
What would you like to eat
"Um just a chesse pizza"
Good thing is that deigo was to busy packing he couldnt work today or i would of been killed already
Two cheese pizza's please
"Aww thanks you didnt have to orderfor me "
No problem tell me aboit your self well i have a birt bike its purple and i love leather and i also am adopted and i have a sister and a brother but they diead with my mom in the car crash "
I could see her about to cry so i give her a hug and we kiss just than ifell a spark i think i like her
But she reminds me of someone i wounder who
After about 20 min i told her everything about me and emma and she understood becase she new that emma would leave so we are going to date while im dateing emma so i won't be heart broken when emma leaves
Emma's pov
So the plan was bot to tell dabiel aboit me moving down 3 houses and let him think that we are moving farther away thats what you get when you run away in one of my conversations you miss someting very important
Has im hanging with andi in my room it was pretty late so i let her spend the night and we was aboit to go to sleep when we saw daniel jist now getting home i wounder wear he has been i hope its not bad but if it was he would tell me right oh well i will ask him tonorrow i need to get some sleep i have school and im moving my dad said no magic becase the nabors would get suspicious that sucks

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