i can explain

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I wake up to hear someone kno king"on my door i get up and i noticed that i had short shorts on and a tank i quickly grab my robe and go down stairs when i see deigo opening the door he had no shirt on and messy hair with boxers he open the door to see dani and the gang
M+D:"What was you guys doing did you guys sleep together " no we didn't "D: than why are you in your robe and he in his boxers" we was sleeping
M:"Proxey how could you "
D:"Emma how Could you "
Its not what it looks like come in and we will explain
d: "no we are threw "
"M:We arr to dont bother running aftee me "
De+E wait lets use explain before you jump to conclusions please
D+M ok you got 10min
De+E ok thanks you come in and sit on the couches
Sitting arrangement
Me deigo andi mac danny and maddi and gigi"
"We are waiting " E would you like to explain
Deigo: ok emma is my real sister yes im adopted oir mom had a heart attack in the carwhen i was in it the put me in foater care and thats when i moved in with gigi and her family. But her parents made her not to tell any one aboit me being adopted or they will take away her phone
Em:yes and deigo is 1year older than me so he is my big bro
De:and she is"my little sis
E ,DE :oh and we are both a kanay qitch is a daughter or son of fire king or qeen of ice we can control elements with our hand trow fire balls and everything and we might be the last ones on earth
E: ao know do. You guys belive us
D+M: yes and we are sorry we jumped to conclusions can we get back together "
De+E yes yes we can
D+M we love you and we will make if up
De+E we love you too and you better
D+M do you guys always say stuff at the same time De+E it's a thing we started to do since we found out we was siglings we don't even do it on purpose it just happens

You have my heart Spell boundजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें