Iridium high

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Emma's POV
Im kinda scared to start a new school new friends new people
Its so big alao it's like a jungle in their i know im going to get lost but oh well here I go
As I walk in I see three girls come out by the  way they look mean buti learned never to judge a book by its. Cover they might be nice you never know
  then I see Andy she went up to me and hugs me and she says "let Me walk you to the principal's office"
As I get to my dads office and then you leave my dad said the new boys in the show me around which is not new but it's new to me and when that happened I was reading my schedule seeing what I had in the boy came up to me and he sneezed and it scared the living crap outta me "sorry I didn't mean to scare you"
I hear a voice behind me it was Daniel out of all the people in the school daniel had to show me around.
As he was showing me around. I saw the 3
Mean girls again "who are you"what kind of shoes are thoes" im emma Alonso and i make my own shoes they are
glittery never can have to much glitter if you ask me.
"Why are you hanging out with my boyfriend" I heard this girl with blonde hair say and who are you I may ask "I am Maddie vanpelt as if you didn't know head of Panthers"

Maddies POV
I was going to my locker
When i saw my danny
Hanging with a girl with brown hair i got so mad i went up and yelled.
Who are you and what kind of shoes are those trying to be mean like always but she act like i was trying to be nice and tryed to have a conversation with me
As if
I also yelled why are you hanging out with my boyfriend
"He is showing me around the school im new"
Yeah i could tell so here are the rules stay out of my way and dont ever talk to me and last but not least stay away from my boyfriend
"Um ex boyfriend you broke up with me remember and im not takeing you back this time .
I got so mad a ran up and slapped that emma girl
I slapped her so hard she fell aww can the new girl not take a slap.
Emmas POV
I was talking to maddie when she was telling me the rules next thing i know i heard him say ex girlfriend so he is single yay he is so cute i got snapped out of thougt when something happend and i fell
Next thing i know im in the nurse's office.
Daniels POV
As maddie hit emma i looked so socked i never new maddie would do that i didn't see her get up
So I kneel down beside her and i noticed she was unconscious and i yelled at maddie while picking up emma bridel style
She was pretty lite
And i ran stright for the nurses office and i look at her she lookes so cut wait do i have a crush on emma maybe i do you couldn't with thoes brown eye brown hair.
Next thing i know i see emma waking up "where am i""what happend"
Your in the nurses office maddie slaped you pretty hard i see emma getting mad so i tryed calming her down
"That bitch when i see her she will make shore she never botherd me"
It kinda surprised me when she cursed i guess she has a bad side i like it
Emma's POV
As i called maddie a bitch i realized that daniel looked surprised i guess he never figured out that i have a bad side its the best part of me. But i learned how to
Control it.
Sorry it just slipped out
"Its ok ot just shocked me i didt know you had bad side i like it "
Thanks hey since we are friends now how would you like to help me clean and organize my attic
"I would love to adter school" yeah meet you bye my locker we can walk together
"Great its a date"

You have my heart Spell boundМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя