My Plan

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Okay so I just wanted to explain my plan. Yesterday decided I wanted 10 chapters in Lies. So I have 2 chapters left. So I should finish tomorrow or Wednesday. And then when that's completed I wil only have my one shot book on going. And I will keep it like that until I finish all the requests. And then I will bring in my new book, Amnesia, it will also be a bit of a short story but longer than lies. Halfway through that I will bring in another book. And I've decided for it to be The After Effects:

Description :

"Goodbye Leon,"


Francesca and Leon face a tragic breakup, Francesca sees it all as Leon's fault. Francesca wants  to get her revenge, to make him hurt the way he hurt her. Leon is left sad, he tries to forget about her but he can't. Francesca begins to change, she changes everything about her. Her personality will never be the same. Leon left a scar in her heart, a scar that can never be covered. Will Francesca ever change back to her sweet loving self, or will she forever be like this. Will Leon win her back, or will he have to move on. Will they be able to overcome the after effects of their relationship?


Yeah, do you like it. And then yeah Amnesia will finish and then I will four on TAE and then when that's done bring in another. And I think I will update Amnesia every two days, but I may change if it doesn't work.

Thanks, I just wanted to share that with you.


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