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So in PE every year for Term 3 we do a dance competition. So my group with 5 of my friends won for Grade 7!!!!!!! We were DIVERSITY!!!! WE WON. GOLD. WON!!! It's unbelievable. They were explaining who the winners were without saying who actually won, so we though it was this other group. They were saying how one person in a group can make the whole group just stand out. So then this one girl in the 'other group' was even laughing. And her friend had even looked at her. So they thought they won. And then they called out DIVERSITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was unbelievable. I was ecstatic. I mean even the one girl who came second was even a bit like 'woah!' And then my friend said 'I can't believe we won! And we beat *******!!' So the * person's group one last year, and their dance was amazing this year too. So we kinda expected them to win again. I can't even believe it anymore!! I'm so Happy that my last dance competition I won! I'm so happy!!! In our dance we had hip-hop, Korean solo by my Korean friend, Bollywood solo by my Indian friend and then more hip-hip and then we ended with Whip/Nae Nae. WE WON!!!!

And to make the day better, it is also the last day of school. So I have from the 22nd if September to the 7th of October. My school is one of the only schools to have 2 weeks in my country, not the only one though.

And then to make my day funny after the dance comp my friend, my amazing smart yet forgetful friend forgot her bag and blazer. Her bag with her iPad. So then I had to take the bag and blazer. She never even realized.

So I will the and do all my one shots this holiday, in between some of the work I have to do.


And thanks for reading this. It means a lot to me.


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