Favourite moment in the Harry Potter movies

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Un when Mione punched Draco in the face. That was awesome.

The DA moments, I loved seeing the patronuses coming to life, well not in my head

When Harry and Mione dance

When Fred and George attempt to enter the Triwizard Tournament

And the 19 years later part, but I deeply wished that it was Draco and Hermione together. (It's not impossible, J.K. Does regret Romione)

And then the Mione Wingardium Leviosa moment,many the flying moment when Mione says 'What an idiot'

And then a cute Draco moment when he doesn't tell Bella it was Harry in the Malfoy Manor.

When we first meet Dobby, he is adorbs

Yeah, that's all I can think of in the moment

Thanks for the question Amnha! I love expressing my Harry Potter feelings


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