Book Review : America Academy by @lejleii

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General Comment : I think this is very good book. It reminds me of my book a bit (except some of the cheating and stuff) which is nice. I liked the back story of Cami and how Broudey kinda had to win her over. And the beginning, the confusion about who liked who. There was a little bit of Leonesca, which I liked. Leonetta,Diecesca and Bromila was really cute in the book, and they had cute moments. I think the wedding was nice. And even though you never really wrote about it, I think it was gold that all the couples had problems in three years after the Academy

Suggestions : just a few. I think description, like more description. It would've been nice. But I mean you can add it in your other books, since AA is completed. And then also, there were problems with the couples, but I would've liked to have read about them. And maybe included more problems during the group to add drama.

End Comment : Well done on this book! For your first book you did great! You should definitely carry on!

Rating : 7/10

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Lexy X

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