Most disliked fruit;name;car;colour

36 8 1

I'm answering this all in one, because I'm lazy.

Fruit : um banana and apple. Banana because I really hate the fruit, all those stringey things. Ugh! I hate it. Apples because I'm allergic to it. Grrr. {but I'm also allergic to Avo, Kiwi, Melon}'

Name : well I don't exactly hate a name, and it would be quite mean, if somebody has that name. But I do find names funny, I just  don't  hate them,

Car : I have  no idea what the cars are called, but it's so ugly!!! The lights on on the bonnet, and the shape, oh my gosh, I hate this car.

Colour : pink. It started when I went through a tomboy stage. I hated pink, and never get around to like it again.

Thanks for the question!!!!



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