Thank You {Important, please read}

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This is very important because this me expressing my gratitude to all of you. This may end up very long, and this is just me thanking you guys, so if you think this is unimportant, don't read. To me it is.

Hmm where to begin??

I'll start with followers -even though this isn't that big of a deal to me anymore- thanks! There are some of you who  decided to not unfollow me, because -this happens to me a lot- I didn't follow you back. Some people who aren't Violetta users, so they don't know who I am, they usually just unfollow me. But I've stopped caring about how many peopme unfollow tbh.

Anyway thanks for 484 -that's a nice number- I do appreciate the followers though, they do mean a lot. Because it still means somebody has decided to give me a chance. Thank you.


My books.

I'll start with Always Complicated. This was my first Violetta book, and it made me noticed by the Violetta community. Back then when I was really shy! (@LexyYay123 what kinda username is that? Silly me!) I remember how excited I was when I got my first vote from Agneta, I was surprised people could find a book so quickly!

And then I went through a bad time with books, deleting them as soon as they were published because there was NO planning. Now I have at least five chapters before a book is published. (I'm proud)

And then there was Royal Academy. Wow. This book is one of my faves! -the other is Lies- I had so much fun writing this! Everybody cheating was very entertaining for me. And people really liked this book. Quite surprising when I think about it.

It's also very special because it's the first book with Leonesca!!! The ending, was also very new for me. I went non-canon -except Fedemila- and I made my perfect Violetta world. I'm really proud of this book.

And then Leonesca hit! Lies, Amnesia, YWBTDOM, TAE, forbidden love -deleted- And you guys have put up with my Leonesca obsession. I can imagine it's hard! I admit I can be crazy. But you guys put up with it! That means a lot! -I've been named Leonesca  Queen on wattpad! 😲-

And now to people!!

I'll start with SLAAMN!

AMNHA -  😊 & 🍦 👑
Nour - 🐸☕️ 👑
AREEBA - 🏋🏽 👑
SAMMIA - 💁 👑
Marwa - ☺️ 👑
Me - 🤓👑

(SLAAMN - Sammia, Lexy, Amnha/AREEBA, Amnha/Areeba, Marwa, Nour)

You guys have helped me through so much! When I'm upset, I run to my room and get onto Kik. I've told you guys so much, I'm sure you know me better than I know myself.

Like when I had a fight with my friend. When Amnha swore, it put a huge smile on my face! And I love all the  jokes we have, 😁😁😁😁, loo rhyming, mother hen and so many more! I'm sure peop,e think we're plain weird. So did our Doctor, who ran for the hills.

I mean Amnha you are my best friend! I can trust with you anything! -likes even boys, you are really good to talk to about boys, because you give different advice- 😂 And seriously, I miss you whenever I don't speak to you! Because you always put a smile on my face! I mean we can talk forever about Amndres! Like when we were planning the wedding with the sixteen tier cake! I can't even put everything I want to say to you into words. Thank you for being my best friend! For being  my mother! For giving me ice cream -dad gives me moreeee- and for always being there! And you should know I'll always be there for you, whatever fights we go through, I'll be on your side,no matter what. Like you are with me. And I mean our best friend story, is something different. But I love it!

AREEBA - I love you a lot! -just say I love you too!- and you are a reason to why I'm not giving up. You promised me, and I promised you something. I will not break it! And I'm missing you a lot! Like yesterday, I was crying, and I'm sick. So when you came on, I smiled. I couldn't help it.

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