Chapter 2: The Arcade

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Lauren's POV

My phone rang incessantly. Who could be calling so early in the morning? I swear if someone isn't dying I'll kill them. I answered the phone.


"Gosh, Ally, what time is it?"

"It's eleven o'clock! Are you up yet?"

I groaned. Ugh. Lunch. "I had a long night," I said as I squinted at the girl next to me.

"Well get up! I'll meet you at The Kitchen in an hour, 'kay?"

"Sure," I said, hanging up. I nudged the blonde next to me. "Hey, get up. You have to go."

"What?" the girl moaned.

"Get up, you need to leave. Now." I got up and pulled the sheet off the girl. She was naked and tried to grab for the sheet. "What are you doing? Get up."

"Quick to get me into bed and quick to get me out of it, huh?"

"I don't have time for this. Get dressed and get out." The girl rolled her eyes. I went to my dresser and pulled out a white v-neck and a pair of white wash jeans with holes in the knees. I slipped my shoes on and stood, checking myself out in the mirror.

"You're so hot."

I turned around. "Are you still here?"

The girl rolled her eyes. "I'm leaving."

I shook my head. About time she left. I checked myself out again. Grabbing my purse I tossed it over my shoulder and slid my sunglasses on. I was not looking forward to the drive, but I promised Ally I'd meet her for lunch. It took me an hour and a half to get to Newport Beach.

"I'm so sorry, Ally. Traffic was terrible." I took a seat and sighed in relief.

"I understand. I hope you don't mind, but I invited Dinah. She's in the restroom."

Of course. Why wouldn't Dinah be here? "I don't mind. As long as I get to see you and eat this amazing food. How long have you guys been here?"

Ally smiled sweetly at me and sipped her water. "Forty-five minutes or so. We've been filling up on their chips and salsa." She waved the waiter down and ordered another water, which the waiter brought over promptly.

I thanked him and gulped down the entire cup. "It's hot and I'm so thirsty. Have you ordered yet?"

"No, of course not. We were waiting for you."

"You didn't have to do that."

Ally smiled. "Don't worry about it. Do you know what you want? We'll order when Dinah gets back."

"Yeah, I'll get what I usually get."

Dinah walked passed me and took a seat next to Ally, opposite me. "Hey, Lauren," she smiled.

"Hi," I said with a nod.

The waiter came over then and took our orders. As usual, Ally ordered two meals.

"You look good," Dinah said after the waiter left.

Really? I'm sure I looked like crap, considering the night I had and the fact I didn't bother showering. "Uh, thanks."

"Lauren's an artist," Ally offered.

"Ally," I pleaded. Please, don't do this.

Dinah smiled. "I do videography, as well as photography. Mostly weddings."

I tried to act interested, but my head was pounding and I felt nauseous. "That's great. Please excuse me." I rushed to the restroom. After splashing water on my face I started to feel slightly better and rejoined Ally and Dinah.

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