Chapter 14: Written In The Sand

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As the week went on, Dinah and I spent as much time as we could together. Spending the better part of the day away from each other in order to get our work done, we came together in the evening. If Dinah had a lot of work to do, I'd go over to her place with dinner. Similarly, when I was working late on a piece Dinah would come over with takeout and a smile.

One night was spent hanging out in my bedroom showing Dinah my entire record collection. Another night Dinah walked me through the process of editing together tons of video footage and images to create a seamless film the newlywed could enjoy for a lifetime. Most nights, however, were spent on one couch or another cuddled up in each others arms watching trash television or a random movie. We never did pay much attention to what was actually happening, much more focused on exploring each others mouths.

Tonight was one of those nights. Dinah's tongue danced with mine, neither of us concerned with leading, happy to just be in this moment. My hand slipped under her top and caressed her stomach as her fingertips trailed up my side, pulling my shirt up in the process. As I slid my hand up, cupping her bra encased breast, a phone rang.

"Ugh," she moaned into my mouth, not happy with the interruption. "That's me."

"Is it important?" My hand slipped around her, desperate to release the bra clasp. Her phone stopped, but within seconds mine began ringing. "Shit."

Dinah laughed and reached for my phone where it lay on the coffee table. "Here."

"Hello?" I answered, slightly annoyed. Dinah smiled at my petulance and trailed kisses along my jaw.

"Hey girl, what's wrong with you?"

I was just about to free Dinah's breasts from their prison, but you don't need to know that. "Normani, hey. Just working on something. What's up?"

"Ally and I were thinking and," Dinah's hot breath tickled my neck causing me to shudder, when she pinched my nipple I had to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning, "we're planning a day at the beach tomorrow for the four of us. You in?"

"Uh," Dinah lifted my shirt before she sucked my nipple into her mouth. "Okay, bye." I ended the call and dropped my phone to the floor, my hands finding themselves tangled in Dinah's hair as I held her against me. She pushed me back on the couch, her leg slipping between my thighs. When her thigh pressed against me, I moaned, arching my back as I ground myself against her.

Dinah sat up and leaned back. "I'd love to continue but we should stop." With a sigh I nodded and tossed an arm over my face. She pulled my shirt down and kissed me gently. "Come on, gorgeous. Time for bed."

As we lay in bed, Dinah's arms around me, her breathing soft and slow against my back, I thought about our escalating level of intimacy and her utter refusal to take it any further. I suspected it was due to our past conversation when I had asked to take things slow. Clearly, Dinah had listened. If things were going to go any further, it was going to be my decision. The thought of taking that next step with Dinah made me feel all sorts of emotions and my stomach did somersaults. I smiled, happy to be in her arms and snuggled in deeper, drifting off to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, Dinah's head was on my chest, her leg draped over me and her hand was under my shirt resting comfortably on my breast. Having woken up to her like this more than a few times, I realized this was her favorite position and that she slept like a bear in hibernation. After nudging her a number of times, she finally stirred. "Good morning, sleepy."

"Mmm," Dinah moaned. "You smell good."

"I smell like you," I said as I twirled her hair around my finger.

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