Chapter 18: Crazy

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Later that night I sat on the couch with Dinah's head in my lap, running my fingers through her hair. A movie played on the television that I had no interest in watching, enraptured by the feel of Dinah's hair between my fingers. Dinah caught my hand mid stroke.

"Earth to Lauren, I'm asking you a question."

"Sorry," I focused on the words coming out of her mouth. "What is it?"

Letting go of my hand, she looked towards the ceiling. "Will you be okay without that gallery deal?"

"Sure," I nodded. "It will be like it's always been. They'll still show my work but I won't have to deal with time constraints or picky buyers. Besides, I have plenty of regular clients." Her brows furrowed in thought and I had a sneaking suspicion she was concerned about more than the gallery deal. "What is it, Dinah?"

"Riley," she sighed and sat up. I missed her warmth the second it was gone. "I don't trust her."

Straddling her and tangling my fingers in her hair, I gave her a quick kiss. "Neither do I." She closed her eyes and rested her head against the back of the couch. "What's going on, are you worried something will happen?"

"I just have a bad feeling about her." Opening her eyes, she looked at me. I had never seen her look so worried. "Promise me you'll be careful?"

Sensing her concern, I nodded and snaked my arms around her neck, resting my forehead against hers. "I promise I'll be careful."

"Thank you," she said, holding me tight.

"Maybe I should hire you as my bodyguard," I said trying to lighten the mood. Despite her mood she cracked a smile.


The next day Dinah insisted on driving me to Ally's which I didn't have a problem with because that meant she would be staying the night with me and that was enough reason to agree to her dropping me off. Getting out of the car, she ran around the front to open my door, offering me her hand and helping me out. She stood in front of me, one hand hanging loosely by her side, the other resting on the open car door. Her hair was up in a bun, a few precarious strands blowing in the wind. I tucked one of those strands behind her ear.

"I miss you already," I said softly.

She caught my hand and kissed her way up my arm as she pulled me towards her, slipping her hands around my waist and nuzzling my neck. "I'll see you tonight."

Closing my eyes, I cradled her head, not wanting her to go. Spending hours apart felt like an impossible reality and I should have been scared that I had grown so attached to her in this short amount of time. She kissed my neck, snapping me out of my thoughts. I angled back and pressed my mouth against hers, our lips melding together perfectly. "Text me when you're done with work?"

"I will," she said, breaking the kiss. "Save me some cookies." We shared another kiss before she got into the car, driving away once I was inside.

Knocking on Ally's door, she answered wearing a floral apron over a simple black dress. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had a smattering of flour on her cheek. "You look cute," I said, entering the apartment, setting my bag by the door and kicking off my shoes. "Who are you trying to impress?"

Ignoring my question, Ally closed the door and handed me an apron. "You're in charge of making brownies."

I looked at the apron with confusion and followed her into the kitchen. "I'm making brownies?"

"Do you want cookies or not?"

I peeked into the living room where the painters had covered the furniture and pulled everything away from the walls. They had already finished most of the living room and seemed to be working on finishing touches. I estimated they only had about twenty minutes left before their work was done.

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