Chapter 19: Secret Santa

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On a cool December night three months later, Dinah and I were walking along the beach taking in the stars that lit up the sky. The waves crashing against the shore and the dull sound of traffic in the distance filled the air. I caught a faint hint of coconut amid the ocean air and smiled.

"Babe?" I looked around, the moon providing just enough light to make out any shadowy figures. "You can't sneak up on me. I know your smell." Dinah had run ahead in search of seashells, but as she got further away I lost track of her in the darkness. I heard a laugh and saw Dinah walk around a large sand dune. "Did you find any?"

"No." She took my hand with a kiss as we continued our walk. "You're sure you wouldn't rather have dinner or something?"

"I can't think of a better way to celebrate our anniversary." I rested my head on her shoulder. "Being with you is enough."

"Aw, you're sweet," she said, kissing the top of my head. "But aren't you hungry?"

I looked up at her. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

"Yes. I'm hungry."

We decided on takeout and headed back to my apartment. Dinah set the food on the coffee table and dropped to the floor as she started opening containers. I grabbed some drinks from the kitchen before taking a seat on the sofa beside my famished girlfriend. It was completely ridiculous, but I was a little jealous of the attention the food was getting.

"Remember when I was all you wanted to eat?" I stared as Dinah ripped the meat off a short rib, sucking on the bone.

"You're dessert," she said without missing a beat.

"Not the appetizer or the main course?"

"You can be the entire menu. When I'm done."

Half an hour later Dinah was laying on the floor with her shirt pulled up rubbing her belly. I sat back on the couch unable to take another bite. There was still food on the table but between the two of us most of it was gone. I groaned when Dinah put her feet on my lap and pushed them off of me.

"Rub them," she whined.

"Ew, no."

"Hey," she sounded offended. "My feet are hella cute and if you don't rub them I'm boycotting your buffet."

I flung a pillow at her with as much effort as I could manage. "I'm no buffet. I'm a three-star Michelin restaurant."

She put her feet in my lap again. "Well if you want this inspector dining at your fine establishment you'll rub my feet."

"You play dirty."

"Tough. All's fair in love and sexual favors."

I rubbed her feet with one hand while I turned on Netflix and scrolled through the options looking for something to watch. I settled on Elf and tossed the remote aside using both hands to rub Dinah's feet. After a few minutes I'd had enough and pushed her feet aside so I could lay down.

"Babe," she shot up.

"C'mere," I patted the space in front of me.

She crawled onto the couch and cuddled up against me, pulling my arm around her and hugging it. We watched the movie in silence until the shower scene where Zooey Deschanel was singing, naked and wet.

"Do you think she's pretty?" Dinah asked.

"Pretty? Sure. But you're the only blonde I'm attracted to."

"You're so corny," she said. I could feel her smile against my arm.

I pushed her hair aside and kissed the soft skin just behind her ear. Flicking her earlobe with my tongue, I sucked it gently into my mouth.

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