Chapter 9: The Date (cont.)

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Dinah checked the mirrors for the hundredth time. She turned the air conditioner up as high as it could go. When she reached to adjust the mirrors again, I grabbed her hand. It was shaking. "You okay?" I asked, stroking her arm as it lay in my lap.

She smiled and nodded. "I'm good. Are you hungry?"

"I could eat."

We drove out of the city and as we neared the coast Dinah turned the air conditioner off and rolled down the windows. The sun was long gone and without the lights from the city to hinder them, the stars lit up the sky. Dinah pulled off the highway and followed a narrow road that weaved around jagged mountain sides. Wherever we were going it was secluded and the signs we passed were meant to deter trespassers, but Dinah kept on driving.

"Dinah? I don't think we're supposed to be here." She rubbed my thigh, but remained quiet. "We should turn around."

She drove for a little while longer before making a left into an open, gravel covered area that obviously got a lot of use. The headlights lit up a picnic area complete with table, barbecue pit and trash receptacle. A small cinderblock building sat back quite aways from the picnic area. I guessed it was most likely a restroom. Dinah came around the car and opened my door. "Is it okay for us to be here, Dinah? I don't want any trouble."

"I called in a few favors," she said, grabbing my hand and helping me out of the car. "This is private property and the owners have graciously allowed us access."

"Good." I looked up at the night sky. The smaller stars that were washed out in the city shone brightly out here. "It's beautiful."

"Just wait."

We walked along a path lit up by tiki torches that led to a canopy covered only in netting, allowing for an uninterrupted view of the stars. Inside the canopy was a table covered in white cloth and candles illuminated the dining area. Our plates were covered with silver domes, hiding what was beneath them and a bucket sat on the corner of the table, a bottle protruding from it.

"Wow." Dinah held open the canopy entrance for me. I couldn't smell any food, but everything looked amazing. It was obvious Dinah had put a lot of effort into tonight. She closed the canopy and stepped in front of me, pulling out my chair. "This is amazing, Dinah. You didn't have to do all this."

"I wanted tonight to be special. Sit." She pushed my chair in and took a seat adjacent to me. "Ready to eat?" With a vigorous nod I pulled the dome off my plate revealing an array of sushi. My mouth watered instantly. "I heard you love sushi."

"I do. What do you have?" Taking the dome off her plate, she had a burger and fries. "No sushi?" She shook her head. "We can share," I smiled, stealing one of her fries.

"You're always taking my food."

"And whose fault is that?" I took another fry. "Want one of my rolls?" Using the chopsticks provided, I picked up a roll and offered it to her. She pursed her lips and shook her head. "Try it."

"I don't want to ruin my appetite," she said quickly, shutting her mouth again. Rising up out of her seat, she grabbed the bottle from the ice bucket. "Wine?"

I nodded and we dug in with me occasionally stealing a french fry. Dinah moaned as she bit into her hamburger. Trying to outdo her and because my sushi was that good, I hummed in pleasure as I took my next bite. She either didn't notice or was ignoring me. Slipping off my heels, I ran my foot up the inside of her leg. I laughed and bit my lip when she jumped, her eyes shooting open the minute my foot made contact below the belt.

"Lauren, what are you doing?"

"Did I do something?" I said, sipping my wine. In the distance I caught sight of a fire and stood to get a better look. "What's going on out there?"

Dinah looked and smiled. "That's for us. When we're done eating we'll go over."

My food was gone within minutes. I didn't have much left anyways. "Can we go now?"

With a laugh, Dinah shook her head. "Can I eat?"

"Eat faster. Here," I reached for a fry. "I'll help."

"Lauren," she smacked my hand away. "Why don't you tell me what you're working on?"

I sighed. "I'm working on two pieces right now. One is somewhat abstract. The other is more personal. The abstract piece I'm working on is for a private buyer who is actually a regular client of mine."

"So you're sort of a big deal, huh?"

That made me laugh. Me? A big deal? "To some people, maybe. I got offered a deal with an art gallery."

"Lauren, that's great!" She picked up her wine glass and sat back. "Are you taking it?"

Sitting back in the chair, I looked up at the stars hoping for answer because I had no idea. The logical side of me said to take it, it would be good for business, but the other side of me didn't like the idea of making art for monetary gain. I looked at her and shrugged.

Dinah set her glass down and stood, offering me her hand. "Come on."

The fire blazed within a pit made of river rocks, blankets hung over the back of a double wide chaise lounge and a tray sat atop the chaise lounge with all the ingredients needed to make s'mores along with a variety of chocolate dipped strawberries.

Dinah and I shared a look then raced the last few feet to the lounge chair. A part of me wanted to believe that I beat her fair and square but I had a feeling she was letting me win to try and score points.

"What do you think you're doing by letting me win?" I asked as we lay down on the chaise lounge. I snatched the blanket that she was about to use and covered myself with it.

"Hey," she complained. "And I didn't let you win. I'm still wearing my heels, see?" she pointed to her feet. "Now," she grabbed the blanket and tugged, "can I have that blanket back?"

"Why are you still wearing those things?" I held on tight to the blanket, wrapping it around me, not willing to give it up. "And no, I'm using it." She pulled again before giving up and reaching for the second blanket. Victory was mine, but I was feeling generous. "Here," I opened the blanket, "we can share."

She gave me a sidelong glance. "Are you sure? I don't want to take things too fast."

"Dinah," I rolled my eyes, "shut up. I'm getting cold here, you want in or not?" It only took her a few seconds to move the tray aside and wrap herself around me, laying her head on my shoulder as I wrapped the blanket around us.


"A little too warm." She moved away slightly. "Dinah, now I'm cold." She grumbled and moved closer. "Ok, too hot. Get off." Instead of moving, she pinched my side, but it didn't hurt, it tickled which made me giggle and squirm around. I felt her grin against my shoulder and stiffened. "Dinah, please don't."

"Well, since you said 'please.'" But she tickled me anyway. She dug her fingers into my side and I tried to twist away from the offending appendages with no luck. Her hold on me was tight.

"Okay, okay," I laughed. "I give up."

Her chuckle vibrated through me. "Where else are you ticklish?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I turned onto my side to face her.

"There are plenty of things I want to know," her hand trailed down my side and over my hip, resting on my thigh. "Like...what scares you? What makes you sad?" Her hand moved to the small of my back and pulled me close, "Because I want to be the one that makes you feel safe, makes you happy." She looked at me with such emotion. Her eyes fluttered closed and her lips, so soft, met mine in a dance that was now becoming familiar.

But this kiss was unlike our previous kisses that were full of passion and want. No, this kiss was meant to convey something entirely different, something I was too afraid to give words to. Our lips melded together perfectly. Hers pressed against mine. Mine against hers. There was no tongue seeking entrance because this was not about gaining access. It was about sharing and so much more.

When she pulled away I was more breathless than I had been from any of our previously shared moments.

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