The trip, day 2

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(Rated for the adult mature)

The next day I woke up and saw that Minho wasn't laying beside me. I guess he's already awake. I could still remember the sound of his disapointed voice from yesterday. I felt bad just by thinking about it. I got dressed and went to the living room. It was so quiet even though the others ate breakfast. Nobody said anything. "G'morning" I said as I sat by the table. "Could you keep it down!" I heard Eunhyuk said from the couch. I looked at him and saw his pale face. "He drank to much yesterday and even the smallest sound is to loud for him" Jonghyun said. I looked at him and then took some breakfast. "Yah! I told you to keep it down!" Eunhyuk just complained from the couch. Jonghyun shoke his head still eating. Kyuhyun was quiet, just like yesterday and Key also ate without a word. I guess the respect that Eunhyuk isn't feeling so well. Or they just don't want to by yelled at. I looked around. No Minho. Where could he be? "If you're looking for Minho, he went to the town" Jonghyun said. I looked at him "Why?" I asked but none of them answered. I guess they didn't know either. "You guys are to loud!" Eyunhyuk complained again. Key suddenly stood up "Yah! If we're to loud, then go to your room and sleep there!" He said irritated. I got surprised. I haven't seen Key so irritated. He glared at Eunhyuk and when Eunhyuk looked back at him he seemed to be a little afraid of Key. Eunhyuk stood up and went to his room in silence. I looked at Key who sat down and begane to eat again. Another side of Key I haven't seen. I ate my breakfast in silence.

Later that day, Key decided to take me and Jonghyun to town to do some shopping. Kyuhyun stayed back to look after Eunhyuk. "Are you sure you don't want to come along?" I asked him and he just nodded. Then I went with Key and Jonghyun. "Don't take it personally. He doesn't talk much and if he can, he'll be alone with Eunhyuk anytime" Jonghyun said. I looked at him "Does he like him?" I asked. "Like him?" Key said and I looked at him "He has a huge crush on him. It's like, when ever Eunhyuk talks, Kyuhyun is looking at him and when Eunhyuk is talking to him, he blushed a little" he said. "Does Eunhyuk even know?" I asked. "I don't think so. I guess he's the only one who doesn't know" he said. I got all curious now "then how does Eunhyuk feel about Kyuhyun?" I asked. Key just laughed. "You're quite curious, aren't you?" Jonghyun asked with a smirk. "Yah! Just answer me already" I said. "I don't know actually" Jonghyun said "I guess he's just sees Kyuhyun as a friend. well, he didn't mention anything else" he said. I just nodded.

(Kyuhyun's POV)

I walked into the room me and Eunhyuk where sharing. He layed on the bed, half asleep. I looked at him and walked over to the bed. I sat on the edge looking at him. My heart beated a bit faster, just by looking at him. I felt all warm inside. He opened his eyes and looked sleepy at me "Why didn't you go with the others?" he asked me. "Someone has to take care of you, when you can't take care of yourself" I said with a smile. I blushed a bit by hearing him talk to me. If only he knew how much I cared about him. "I can take care of myself you know" he said standing up. Well, he kind of stood up. He felt down a bit and I caught him "I'm not so sure you can" I said supporting him. He looked at me and our faces was so close. I'm sure I was blushing like hell but still I couldn't take my eyes away from him. He stood up proberly but I still supported him "maybe I need your help" he said looking away "Can you help me to the living room?" he asked. I just nodded and helped him there. He sat down on the couch "How's your headache?" I asked. "Better" he just said. I nodded. "Could you get me some water?" he asked looking at me. I nodded and went to get him some water. Even though it seems like he's using me, I like to help him. I want to help him. I came back to the living room with some water to him. I gave him the glass and sat down next to him on the couch. He drank it all in one go. "Can I ask you something?" he suddenly asked me. "What?" I said looking at him. "Why are you always so kind to me? I mean, to the others, you're really quiet, but to me, you're like my servant. You do everythng I ask you to without complaining. I don't just feels weird" he said looking at me. We sat there looking at each other. It took some time for me to answer. "Well, there is a reason and you're actually the only one who doesn't know" I said biting my lip. he got all interested now "Why? Does everyone know, except for me?" he asked and I nodded. "Then tell me" he said eagerly. I swallowed once, gathered all my courage, looking at him "The reason is..~" got interrupted by Minho walking inside "Oh you're up?" He said looking at us "where is the others?" he asked. "They went to town, shopping" I said looking at Minho. "At this hour? How long have they been gone?" he asked. "A while" I answered. "Aish.." he complained and left again. Me and Eunhyuk was once again alone. We both forgot about what i was about to say. Eunhyuk stood up "I'm going to bed again" he said and walked in there by himself. I still blushed. So yet, I haven't told him. I wonder, when will I tell him?

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