Is that really him?

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After school, me and Onew decided to meet at the school gate. No matter what, we were going to hang out today. I stood by the gate, waiting for Onew. "Taemin ah!" I heard a familiar voice call out for me. I turned around and smiled at a happy Onew, running to the gate. "Why in such a hurry?" I asked. "We have to get away from here before Minho knows anything about this" he said. He's right. Minho can't know. He'll just drag me away again. We both walked fast away from school, heading for his home. "Did Minho see us?" Onew asked looking back while walking. "I don't think so" I said and looked back too. I turned my head again and stopped "watch ou-" I didn't get to say any more, before Onew bumped into a tree. "There was a tree..." I said and walked over to him "are you okay?" I asked looking at him. He rubbed his head "OW!" he said, "yeah...I'm okay". "Perhaps you should've stopped before looking back" I said. He looked at me "how come you didn't bump into that tree?" he asked, "maby because I remembered to look forward again" I said. He pouted. We started walking again.

We soon arrived to Onew's house. It wasn't as big as Minho's. It was kind of at same size as my old home. We walked inside "I'm home" Onew said and took off his shoes. I did too. He walked in "Mom? I have a guest" he said, walking around the house. I just followed him. "I guess my mother isn't home" he said and opened the refrigerator "are you thirsty?" he asked looking at me. "No thanks" I just said. I didn't want to trouble him. He just looked at me "you sure?" he asked and I nodded. He closed the refrigerator and went upstairs. I just followed him. I went to his room. He threw his bag on the floor and sat down on the bed. I too, placed my bag on the floor, but sat down in a chair he had by his table. His room was pretty messy. Clothes were laying on the floor and a few books too. I didn't really knew, he read books. "When was the last time you cleaned your room?" I asked, looking around. "Don't sound like my mother. She also asks me that all the time" he complained. I understand shy she does. I don't say that, the room should be 100% clean, but this...this is just to much. At least he doesn't have leftovers on the floor. "Enough about my room...what I want to know is that....since when have you been together with Minho?" he asked looking at me. I just knew that question whould come sooner or later. I hesitated. "Since...since the trip" I said. "I thought you hated him?" he said. He was right. Kind of. I never comepletely hated Minho, but I didn't like him either. "Well...not really...It's true that I didn't like him at first, but the more I was together with him, the more I realised, that I actually fell for him. I mean...he always protects me and I found out that he cares about me alot" I explained. "I can't believe it" he suddenly said. I looked confused at him, "what can't you believe?" I asked. "It's just....THAT Choi Minho, who is the school's troublemaker, started to like and protects his future brother, who just entered school. I don't seems like a fairytale. He never cares for anybody" he said.

Onew doesn't understand Minho. I guess he always sees Minho as a troublemaker and the true person he really is. Well...Minho's behavior didn't help either. He did act like a troublemaker. "You know what? Minho is a kinder person than he seems to be" I said looking serious at Onew, who looked like I was someone who speeked nonsense. "You're kidding right?" he just said. I sighed "No. I'm serious. I thought he was just a troublemaker, like you said when I entered the school. But when I got to know him more, he's actually very protective among his friends. He even cares about me, and he has only known me for a week" I said, trying to convince him. It didn't seem like it helped. "I still can't believe it" he said. "What do you wan't me to do? Prove it?" I asked. "That would help" he said. I sighed quite annoyed. Why couldn't he just believe me? I don't think Minho wants to prove that he's a kind person. He got respect at school and I don't think he want that respect to disappear. Even thoug, he did say that he doesn't care what others think, but that might not be quite true...what am thinking? Why don't I believe in Minho now? My mind is a mess. I ruffled my hair. Onew looked confused at me "why do you look so frustrated?" he asked me. Couldn't he tell? I was frustrated. I looked at him "never mind" said and gave up. "Then...would you prove it or not?" he asked. Why does he keep going? I have to change the subject. But to what? "When is your mother home?" Seriouesly? He looked more confused at me now. I understand him. "Eh...I don't..know...why do you want to know that?" he asked. I got no clue why. I just had to change the subject. I wish I had asked about something else. "Just couries" I just said. Yeah right....I'm not couries about that at all.

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