He's Off Limits

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Jason parked his motor bike about a block away as he didn't want to be spotted and be turned away. He had walked towards the gate but knew he had to find a different way to get in. He saw a figure by a window and saw that it was Allison. He smiled as he went towards to that part of the wall and climbed over. He hid in the bushes as he saw one of the guards passing by. Jason softly climbed up and softly knocked on the window. Allison softly gasped as she heard the knocking on her window. She saw Jason there and quickly opened the window.

'Jason, are you crazy?' she asked as she let him climb into her room.

'Maybe,' he said, smiling as he climbed into her room. He looked around her room. 'Nice place.' He saw how beautiful she looked even more as she just wore her hair in a messy bun with some strands falling over her beautiful face and wearing an old college shirt with some pj bottoms.

'It's late isn't it?' she asked.

'It's barely 9,' he said, smiling as he placed his hands behind his head while lying on her bed.

'You are one of the craziest people I've ever met,' she said as she sat by the edge of the bed.

'Yea but it works right?' Jason said. They heard a knock on the door.

'Allison?' It was her father. She mouthed hide as he smiled, kissing her cheek softly. He quickly hides in her closet which is a walk in. He left the door little bit open. Jason heard her father walk into her room. 'Was someone else in here with you?'

'No. Just me,' she said. 'Everything ok, dad?'

'I thought I heard another voice,' he said. 'I just wanted to tell you to stay away from Jason Sheppard. He's bad news.'

'Dad, he isn't. He's a really nice guy,' said Allison. Jason smiled as she defended him to her father.

'I mean it, Allison. He's only going to break your heart. He's been with different girls and I don't want him to break my little girl's heart,' he said.

'Jason isn't like that. If I do start to date him I know he wouldn't hurt me,' she said. 'I know you want to protect me but I can take care of myself. You don't have to worry about me.' Jason sees them being together and he would never hurt her like her father would say. He wouldn't hurt her not like her father says. Jason would do anything for her and to prove everyone else wrong.

'You're still my little girl,' he said. Allison didn't like how he treated her like she couldn't take care of herself. Yeah, she's know to be daddy's little girl but she doesn't need to be told to be that she can't be with Jason.

'I appreciate it that you still think I'm your little girl but I'm grown, dad,' said Allison. 'Please stop worrying about me.' He sighed softly knowing about that.

'I still want you away from him,' he said as he walked to the door. 'I don't want to have to call police if he does hurt you.' Allison sighed as he closed the door. Jason walked out of the closet.

'I'm sorry that you had to hear that from him,' she said.

'Hey. I understand. I totally get it. I know fathers out there wouldn't want their daughters dating me just cause of what they heard of me,' he said. Jason sat on the edge of the bed as he softly took her hand into his. 'If we were together, I know I wouldn't hurt you.'

'I know,' she said. She liked how he held her hand in his. It felt so perfect. 'So uh I take it that you have a girlfriend that would get jealous that you're here with me?' She hoped that he said no of having a girlfriend.

'Uh no in the girlfriend department. I haven't found the right girl to be with,' he said. 'I know she's out there. I have to find her.'

'Oh. You'll find her,' she said. 'I know it.'

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