Who To Believe?

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Allison lay in bed as she couldn't stop thinking about the kiss they shared at the gym. She didn't think she would go that far. Jason could do so much better than her but knew that he would choose her to be with him. She heard her phone ring and sighed knowing that it was her parents calling for her. Allison didn't recognize the number but decided to answer.


'Alli?' There was a quite pause. 'You don't recognize my voice do you?'

'Should I?'

'I am hurt. It's me Robert. Middle School Robert.' Allison tried to remember a Robert but nothing came up. 'You don't remember me?'

'No. I'm sorry.'

'Ok. I'm the one who sneaked into the girls' locker room once and you were the one who hit me with your shoe as I tried to escape.' Then she remembered. She remembered that like it was yesterday.

'Ok. I think I remember now. How did you get my number? Wait. Don't answer that. My parents.'

'I take it that I'm somewhat busted.'

'Maybe. But I don't blame you though. I can't believe that they brought you into this.'

'They are worried about you. Especially that pretty boy you are staying with. I hear that he's such a player with women.'

'Ok don't you start with this too please? And his name is Jason. He's such a good guy.'

'I hate to break it to you, Alli, but this guy is a player. He's going to hurt you.' Jason was walking to his room when he heard Allison talking to someone. He heard his name being brought up a few times but didn't want to ease drop. Just when he made a step, the floor creaked. Allison heard it and then stood up to check it out. She saw that no one was there. Jason sighed softly when he saw her close her door. He closed the door to his room. Jason knew maybe that she was talking to her father or someone close to her telling her to leave. He wouldn't blame her if she did leave. Jason headed downstairs to get something when he saw a guy in the living room.

'Can I help you?' He turned around to see Jason.

'Yeah. I'm here to see Alli.'

'You are?'

'Robert!' Jason saw Allison coming downstairs and running towards him. He could feel a ping of jealousy when he wrapped his around her when he hugged her. 'I didn't think you would come.'

'I couldn't wait to see you. You look beautiful as ever.' She blushed before she looked at Jason.

'Robert, this is Jason. Jason, this is Robert. We used to go to middle school together.'

'Nice to meet you.'

'Yeah. Same here. Don't want to bother you. I just wanted to get something from the kitchen. Night, Alli.' Jason headed to the kitchen before he did something he would regret later. Allison could feel that he didn't want Robert here. He couldn't be jealous of Robert could he? She knew that she had to tell him that she and Robert are just friends.

'I can't believe that you're here,' said Allison.

'I am and sorry again,' said Robert.

'Don't be. I should blame my parents for this,' she said.

'They're just worried about you,' he said. 'Why don't stay with me in my apartment?'

'I don't know. The Sheppards have been so good to me and I would hate to leave here,' said Allison. 'I mean Jason would—'

'He doesn't own you, Alli,' said Robert. 'He's just a pig.' Allison couldn't stand him bashing Jason.

'You should leave,' said Allison as she stood up.


'Please leave,' she said as she opened the door. She closed it on his face when he walked out. She then knew that her parents really send him to her to bash Jason.

'You should listen to the guy, Allison.' She saw Paul.

'He doesn't know what he's talking about,' said Allison.

'But I do,' said Paul. 'Jason doesn't deserve someone like you. He would just hurt you in the process. He has feelings for you.'

'Shouldn't you be defending your own brother from people who are talking bad about your brother?' asked Allison.

'Not when he did damaged to me. Did he tell you what he did to my last relationship? He slept with her.' Allison knew that it wasn't true. If he did do it he would of told her about it.

'Is this a ploy to tear me and Jason apart?' asked Allison. 'Jason wouldn't do something like that. You're just saying that just to make him look bad.' She headed upstairs to her room. Allison reached and stopped as she looked over to Jason's door. She couldn't resist by asking him. Allison walked to his room and saw his door open by a slit. He wore only some boxers as it seemed that he got out of the shower. He slipped on some pajama pants on and saw his back flex softly. Allison tried to stay calm when she knocked on the door. Jason went to his door and opened it softly.

'Hey. Everything ok?' asked Jason. 'Did something happen?'

'Uh everything's fine. I'm hoping that I'm not bothering you,' said Allison.

'Come in.' Allison walked into his room trying to be calm. 'Is everything ok?'

'Paul uh told me something about his last relationship,' said Allison, looking at him. 'That you slept with someone that he was with.' Jason scoffed knowing that Paul said this kind of crap.

'Paul told you this?' asked Jason. He wasn't mad at her but at Paul. 'It was never like that. Elizabeth is one of the nicest people that I have ever met when she was dating Paul. She always stayed out of the lime light when my family and I were there. She was more like a sister to me. An older sister that Ellie wanted to have. What she had said.' It made Allison smile softly. 'But uh I was out with a couple of my friends were by this bar/club and I saw him with one of her friends in the corner just flirting with each other with his hand on her thigh. I could tell that he was whispering things to her and the next thing I knew he blurted out that he slept with her. I knew that Elizabeth didn't need this kind of crap from him. I went straight to her and told her. Elizabeth was in denial at first and I understood. Then she came over and screamed at Paul of how he could cheat on her with her best friend. He denied it but then came clean. Paul kept blaming me for ruining his relationship with her. She still comes just when Paul isn't here.' Allison sat beside him.

'You shouldn't be blamed for it,' she said.

'Try telling Paul that,' said Jason. She placed her hand on top of his. He looked at her and entwined his fingers with hers. 'Thanks for being there for me.'

'Anything for you,' said Allison, smiling beforeshe kissed his cheek softly. She stood up leaving his room. She felt butterfliesin her stomach. Her feelings for him became stronger. Jason could still feelher lips on his skin. As days passed, they spend more time together even herfriends tried to come with him. Pictures were taken of them when they were outtogether. Her father tried to make things worse for them but his father alwaysinterfered knowing how he wanted to make his son look bad.

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