I Love You Too!

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Chapter 16

Through the last couple of months, it's hell for both Allison and Jason. She hardly left her room. Only to eat or to shower. Elizabeth tried to see if she wanted to out with her but always declined. Allison knew how much of a friend she is being to her and Jason. Jason went to bars but didn't even touch the beer he ordered. Girls tried to get his attention but turned them down. His mind only wondered to Allison and how she is doing. The papers always had a field day when they would see him walk out of the bar. Always in his face asking him questions about what he did to lose Allison. Jason tried to compose himself knowing they were only trying to get him mad about it. Allison wanted to talk to Jason knowing that she wanted to make things right and tell him of the reason why she left. She looked at her phone and wanted to talk. She wrote him a text telling to meet her at big oak tree of their hiding spot. Jason heard his phone beep and opened the text. He bit his lip softly thinking of what she wanted to tell him. He felt nervous knowing that she will tell him to leave her alone and not to bother her ever again. Allison felt nervous as she stood by the oak tree. She hoped that he got there. If he didn't, she knew that he didn't want anything to do with her. Allison heard footsteps and saw Jason.


'Hey. Everything ok?' She quickly runs to him and hugs him tightly. Jason felt tingles going all over his body. He hugged her tightly not letting her go. Allison felt tears in her eyes as she missed holding him.

'I'm so sorry,' said Allison.

'Why are you sorry?' said Jason, confused.

'For what I did to you. Why I left the day of the confrontation in Hawaii,' said Allison.

'You don't have to say you're sorry,' said Jason, looking at her as he wiped away her tears.

'I am sorry. I kept thinking if it was the right thing to do,' said Allison.

'I don't understand,' said Jason.

'After what happened that day, I didn't want you to be bashed,' said Allison. 'You keep putting me before you.' Allison sniffed softly. 'I thought that if I left you, they will leave you alone. You are always good to me and you always placed me first.'

'Because I love you and I would do anything for you,' said Jason.

'But that's the thing. Why? You could have gone to any other woman like a model or an actress or both,' said Allison. 'Why pick someone like me who is plain?' Jason looked at her and kissed her gently while holding her in his arms. He looked at her after their kiss caressing her cheek softly.

'Because you are you. You don't care who or how much my family is worth. They do. They only care about money and that's it. Every time you come into the room, my heart skips a beat. My hands get clammy and my throat gets dry. You're a natural beauty. You could be wearing anything and you can still make my heart skip a beat. You don't care what you wear and you don't even wear makeup when you go out. You also have that cute snort when you laugh,' said Jason. Allison gets more tears in her eyes as she smiles softly. 'My heart only belongs to you and only you.' Allison kisses him deeply as Jason picks her up.

'I love you,' said Allison.

'I love you too,' said Jason. They lay under the oak tree as the breeze blew softly. 'My parents have this apartment that's in a small city. Let's move in there together.' Allison looks at him.

'You serious?' asked Allison.

'Yeah, I'm serious. My parents don't use it, only to get away for a little bit,' said Jason.

'Are you sure your parents won't mind at all?' asked Allison.

'No. They won't. I know they would be pleased when we get it,' said Jason. Allison looked at him softly before kissing him softly.

'Let's do it,' said Allison smiling. Jason smiled and softly kissed her gently. They returned back to get a few things before they went to the apartment. As Allison placed some of their things away, Jason looked at her softly. He felt lucky to have her back again in his life. Allison looked at him. 'What?'

'Nothing,' said Jason. 'Admiring this beautiful woman.'

'Should I be worried about her?' asked Allison, playfully. Jason smirks as he goes to her.

'Maybe.' He kisses her softly as he wrapped his arms around her pulling her close. They laid on the couch relaxing after they ordered some take out. 'I can see us getting married.' Allison smiled at the thought.

'Oh really, Mr. Sheppard?'

'Oh, Yea. But this will be a small wedding. Just us, our family and friends. Nothing to fancy. Or maybe....'

'Maybe what?'

'We can just get hitched.' Allison smiled as she smacked his chest. 'What? It's better.' Allison laughed as she kissed him softly. Jason kissed her back softly as his hand slipped under her top softly. Allison got up softly and helped him up from the couch. Jason looked at her softly biting his lip softly as they went to the bedroom. Birds chirped softly in the morning as the sun crept into the room. Allison softly woke up and softly placed her hand on Jason's side. She softly looked over to his side, seeing that he wasn't there. She saw a note and told her that he will be back soon just had to do an errand. Allison smiled softly as she wore on of his shirts and headed to the kitchen. Allison saw a plate ready for her. He made breakfast and some coffee for her before he left. As she was eating, she heard her phone ring. She smiled as she saw Jason's name.

'Hey. I thought that I had to replace you for a second,' said Allison playfully. Jason chuckled.

'Well, if you put it that way, I might just not come back,' said Jason, playfully. Allison smiled softly.

'You lose then. There's this really handsome guy here that can keep me company,' said Allison playfully.

'He should not come close to my girl,' said Jason, playfully.

'Maybe,' said Allison. 'I miss you.'

'I miss you too. I'll be there soon, beautiful,' said Jason.

'Ok. I love you,' said Allison.

'I love you too,' said Jason.

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