Meeting The Family Friend

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Jason made some lunch for them as Allison watched him sitting behind the counter. He looked at her and smiled.


'Nothing. I just didn't think you would be this good,' said Allison, smiling.

'Ow, Alli. I always did lunch,' said Jason, smiling. She smiled as she went to him and kissed him. 'What was that for?'

'For everything,' said Allison. 'You have been there when my dad did treat you like crap but you always were there. For me and for us.'

'I wanted to be,' said Jason. 'Because I love you and I always will.' He kissed her lovely as he wrapped his arms around her. They heard someone clear their throat and saw that it was Elizabeth. 'Hey. Didn't expect to see you here.'

'Sorry to interrupt. I was just wanted to pick something up,' said Elizabeth.

'Uh you didn't interrupt,' said Allison. She could see the type of bond that her and Jason have. A Brother/Sister type of relationship.

'I'm Elizabeth. You must be Allison,' she said.

'Uh yeah that's me,' she said. 'Jason told me about you.'

'Hope they were all good things?' said Elizabeth, smiling. Jason smiled.

'Yes they were,' said Jason.

'It's nice meeting you,' said Allison. 'Why don't you have lunch with us?'

'I don't want to intrude. I just wanted to pick up something,' said Elizabeth.

'You won't be intruding,' said Jason.

'I just had an idea. How about just us girls go to eat?' said Allison. 'And it's just us girls.'

'I didn't really want to do this to the both of you,' said Elizabeth.

'You won't and I really need to get out,' said Allison.

'Hey,' said Jason, jokingly.

'Sorry. Didn't mean it like that,' said Allison as she kissed him. 'Besides more for you.' Jason smiled as he kissed her softly while his hand went to her butt. She smiled as she slapped it away. 'Not in front of a guest. Let me just get my bag.' She kissed him again before she headed upstairs.

'I really like her. I can tell how smitten you are with her,' said Elizabeth. 'Don't let her go.'

'I am. Believe me, I will hold on with both hands. Don't worry about that,' said Jason. 'I really love her. Ever since I came back and saw her, I was blown away of how beautiful she is now. Only problem is her father hating me now.' Jason knew that her father will do everything to break them up.

'Don't worry about him. Be happy with her and I know you guys will be happy,' said Elizabeth.

'We will,' said Jason. Elizabeth and Allison had gone out to lunch together in a little restaurant that Elizabeth knew. They ordered their drinks and their food.

'I see how happy Jason is when you're around each other,' said Elizabeth.

'Me too. He makes me happy now. I'm so happy that we are together now,' said Allison feeling her cheeks turn pink.

'I can see it,' said Elizabeth. 'I know others girls would want to be with him just because he's rich but with you it's different. He really loves you.'

'And I love him,' said Allison.

'I know. I see how you brighten up his life,' said Elizabeth smiling. 'I know Jason would do anything for you.' Allison smiled softly knowing what she is saying is true.

'So Jason tells me that you are seeing someone?' said Allison.

'Uh yeah. I am,' said Elizabeth, smiling. 'His name is Ethan. He's so perfect.' Allison could see how her face brightens when she mentioned him. She saw the love in her eyes too. Jason could hear the constant knocking and sighed as he went to answer it. He then saw Robert there.

'Well, look who it is,' said Jason. 'It's Mr. I can't get a life.'

'I need to see Allison,' he said as he walked inside.

'Come on then,' said Jason as he closed the door and walked behind him. 'She's not here. She went out with a family friend.'

'It's better than to be here with you,' said Robert as he looked at him.

'Look I don't have time for your so called stalking. So if you're done, there's the door. Don't let it you on the way out,' said Jason.

'She doesn't love you right?' he said. Jason scoffed as he looked at him crossing his arms.

'Ok. I'll bite then,' said Jason. 'Is it that she's with me or is it that her dad wants her back home after what he did? He pretty much called my family saying that I was in an accident knowing that I wasn't. Or was it that I was arrested that because he doesn't want me near Allison?'

'All of the above. Listen guys like you don't belong with someone like Allison. She is someone's daughter who wants her back home,' said Robert. 'She doesn't need to be with someone who is a screw up of the family. I mean come on. Have you seen how beautiful Allison? Other guys would want to be with her.'

'Yeah. Like arm candy,' said Jason. 'You don't know me. Things have been said about me using women but they aren't true. I would never hurt Allison ever. Allison would vouch for that. She is the one person that I would die for. I know that guys like you don't care about what happens to women. I'm not going to let my girlfriend be some kind of trophy that is only there when you please. I respect women and I respect Allison. I love her and that is something that clearly you won't show her. So now if you could leave my house now before Allison gets back. I know that she wouldn't want to see you or even speak to you.'

'Watch your back, Sheppard,' said Robert. 'You wouldn't know what might happen next.' Jason didn't care what he said. He wasn't going to allow him to threaten him or anyone close to him that includes Allison. He loved her too dearly. Robert got into his car and dialed a number.

'I take it that you have talked to him,' said Mr. Dolans.

'Yes, I did. He isn't to let go of her that easily,' said Robert.

'He will if someone better comes along,' said Mr. Dolans.

'I doubt that Jason Sheppard will go for it, sir,' said Robert.

'Oh he will and I know my daughter will leave him after what happens,' said Mr. Dolans.

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