It's Over?!

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They had breakfast out in the balcony. Jason looked over to her softly. He felt that he didn't deserve her but deep down he knew that he would love her till he dies. Allison looked at him.


'What would you say about marriage?' he asked.

'I like to get married especially to this man who just took me away,' said Allison, smiling.

'Should I beat the crap out of this man?' smirked Jason.

'Oh I don't know. Maybe you should go through me,' giggled Allison, kissing him. He smirked as he kissed her back softly. 'Why do you ask?'

'Because I know who's the special lady I want to be married to,' he said.

'Now I know I should be worried,' she said, playfully. Jason chuckled as he kissed her softly. They have gotten dressed and decided to go sightseeing. He held her hand in his and softly squeezed it kissing it. Allison smiled and blushed softly. The photographers tried to follow them around to take pictures of them together. Jason held her close protecting her. He didn't want her to get hurt. One of the photographers got in front of them and rapidly started to asking them questions and taking loads of pictures of them. Jason pushed Allison behind him quickly shielding her from this photographer. Allison held onto his shirt tightly feeling scared. He kept asking them questions not letting up. Jason didn't want her to get hurt because of this guy. Allison then felt being pushed back by the photographer as he got up to her face. Jason got mad because of this guy. Jason quickly bumped rushed him out of the way as he picked her up holding her close. Allison hid her face onto his neck holding him tightly. He whispered tenderly into her ear softly. Jason quickly took her inside one of the stores as some of employees quickly closed the door keeping him outside. Allison never felt this frighten before till now. Jason held her as she shakes in his arms.

'I got you, beautiful,' said Jason. Allison felt tears in her eyes as she held onto him. Jason softly caressed her back softly. 'I'm here, babe. I won't let him hurt you.'

'This isn't fair,' said Allison. 'To you.'

'It's ok. I only worry about you ok,' said Jason. Allison knew that she didn't deserve this man. He always defended and kept her safe. She knew that in the morning he will be made looked bad by saying that he 'attacked' a photographer. 'Want to head back to the hotel?' He looked at her as he wiped the tears away softly. Allison nodded softly as he asked if there was a back door. They got a taxi and headed back to the hotel. Jason knew how shaken she is by what happened. Jason opened the door to their room once they got back to the hotel. Allison sniffed softly as she wanted to do something to make things right. 'You hungry?'

'Uh no. I'm ok,' said Allison. 'Uh, is it ok if I lay down? I feel tired.'

'Yea. Its ok,' said Jason. 'Want me to be there with you, babe?' Allison knew that she didn't deserve him.

'It's ok,' said Allison. Jason softly held her in his arms, kissing her forehead softly. 'I'll be in the living room if you need me, ok?' She softly nodded as he closed the door giving her privacy. Allison softly sighed knowing how much Jason gave her. The love he has for her, protecting her, and how he will put his life on the line for her. She knew that she didn't deserve that from him. Allison got the notepad and a pen. She felt tears in her eyes when she wrote him a letter. Allison didn't want to do it but it's only fair for him. She looked over to her suitcase as its open and still neatly packed even though she only took out something to wear for something for that day that turned disastrous. She softly closed it and placed it by the door. She left the letter for him on the bed before softly going to the door without making a noise. Allison headed downstairs trying to stay strong knowing how much Jason will hate her afterwards. Back in the room, Jason got worried. He went to the room and knocked on the door.

'Alli?' He knocked again before opening the doors. Jason looked over the room not seeing her. 'Alli?' Jason looked over and didn't see her. He got worried and saw the letter that she left for him on the bed. He picked it up as he sat on the bed.


By the time you read this, I would have left. You are such an amazing man that gave me so much. You have loved me through all the hell. Protected me from my dad and those who doubted us but also supported us. I love you so much that I don't you to get hurt. You deserve better than me. I know that you will make any woman happy. I love you so much that I am willing to give you up for you can be happy. All I know that you will be happy with someone new. I will always love you.


Jason felt tears in his eyes when he read the letter. He quickly went to the airport to stop and to talk her to come back to him. He loved her too much to lose her. Allison had her ticket in her hand as she's getting ready to board the plane. She hated herself how she just left him a letter and not actually talked to him face to face. She handed her ticket and then entered the plane. Jason got to the airport quickly hoping that he isn't too late. Jason looked over to the destination boards and quickly ran to the terminal. When he got to the terminal, he saw that the door is closed. He quickly went to the desk.

'Excuse me. Did this plane just leave or is it still here?' asked Jason.

'It just left 10 minutes ago,' said the flight attendant.

'Can it be brought back?' said Jason.

'I'm sorry, sir. But it can't,' she said.

'Please, my girlfriend is on that plane,' he said.

'I'm sorry but the plane can't be brought back,' she said, walking away. Jason felt his heart breaking knowing he missed her by a few minutes. Allison looked out the window knowing that she broke the heart of the man who loved her deeply. She wiped away the tears softly. She knew that Jason would hate her.

'Is everything ok, dear?' asked an elderly women.

'Uh Yea. Just feeling the cabin pressure,' she said, wiping the tears away, smiling weakly.

'Is it man problems?'

'Uh no. It's not that.'

'Man problems.' Allison smiled weakly at the elderly woman.

'How can you be sure?'

'When you have been on long on this earth especially around men, you will know,' she said. 'Who is the one that hurt you?'

'Uh, it's more of me hurting him,' said Allison. 'I uh left him because I know that he can do better than me.'

'Why makes you think that, dear?' she asked. 'Where are my manners? I'm Sonia.'


'What makes you think that he can better than you, Allison?' asked Sonia.

'Where do I start?' said Allison. 'He's sweet, loving, loyal, amazing, would do anything to protect me.'

'That's not so bad,' said Sonia. Allison smiled softly at the thought.

'It isn't but he gets bashed a lot by people except his family if you disclose his brother that really hates him,' said Allison.

'The black sheep of the family. But you love him though,' she said.

'I do but...'


'But I know that he will get over me and go to someone better also more beautiful,' said Allison.

'Can I tell you something?' said Sonia. Allison nodded. 'My husband, may he rest now, and I have been married for 65 years,always loved each other through the thick and thin. We might have fights here and there but we always know our love for each other became stronger. Maybe you should give him that chance.' Allison bit her lip as she thought about what she said.

Notice: I'm so sorry to everyone that has been waiting for soooooooooooooooooooo long for me to update this story and my other stories as well. I am updating this book since I am able to freely write now since I don't have writer's block anymore. I will update more for my other books but I do want to finish this one and then continue on my other books. The Wolf Mates will be put on hold for I don't know how long but I will let you guys know soon! Love you guys so much!

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