Chapter 1 Tris' POV

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^^Song for this chapter; Who We Are by Imagine Dragons (the hunger games catching fire)

Chapter 1: Tris' POV

It has been two weeks since I passed initiation into Dauntless coming in 1st place, I wouldn't have got that score if it weren't for Tobias, he taught me how to hide my DIVERGENCE so I wouldn't be discovered.
Will and Christina are still going out, they make out always as usual, Uriah and Marlene still cute and together, and Al and Lynn are going out now, they are so cute, and as you would think Lynn is the boss of the couple, and for me and Tobias, we are good or even great you could say.
In the midst of my thoughts I hear a shoe sqeak, I quickly turn around in a full circle and decide that I was hearing things, because after Peter, Al and Drew attacked me I have been hearing things. Then the next thing I know I am being pinned to the wall by strong hands, I can't see who it is so I close my eyes, I punch and kick but remain silent, then I punch something and the impact stings my knuckles, then I open my eyes and realize who and what I hit: Tobias' nose. "Sorry" I mumble, my voice small. Then I let out a small giggle, then he starts laughing to.
"I just wasn't expecting any one else to be out here, you know? Cos its like 11:49 at night." I say. "Yeah, I figured you would be out here." He gently lets go of me as he kisses me on the forehead lightly.

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