Chapter 19

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Song for the chapter; Release me by Diskord

Tris' POV
The fence, armed with guards is much more intimidating in person. I remember coming here as an initiate. Those happy days are in the past now. I stuffed my life up.
Walking towards the gate of the fence. I try my best to look calm, but in reality, my heart is hammering, my palms sweating. Thinking of excuses to get past the guards I come up with one that could possibly spare me some time before I get caught lying.
Walking swiftly towards the fence I go up to one of the guards and I immediately recognise it to be Lynn, one of the Dauntless Borns from my initiation. This will be harder then i first thought it out to be. She sees me and waves, recognising me, too.
"Hi Lynn. I'm going to amity to see An old friend."
"I can't open the gate for that reason but because I am your friend I will."
She types a pass code into the small electronic box next to the gate. It lets out a thunderous click and shifts, opening so I can go through.
I walk up to Lynn and give her a hug.
"Thank you"
"All good. Now go before they discover your lying" she says shooing me through the gate.
I step through. For some people it's just walking through a gate. But for me, I'm starting over.
Follow me on Instagram; eatoneverdeen and thenameisringer thedivergentseriesaustralia
Signing out... Bella xx

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