Chapter 22

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Song for the chapter; The Buzz by Hermitude feat. Mataya and Young Tapz

Four's POV

April is now 15.
She has grown up to quickly.
I still haven't found Tris.
April was a gift from heaven to me. If she hadn't of cone in those couple of days, I wouldn't be here. I was contemplating whether or not to make the jump.
I will admit though, it was hard raising a teenage girl as a 'single dad'.
Especially when it came to that time, when your daughter wants to start dating, but you go all overprotective dad on them.

Right now April and I are in the training room and we are knife throwing and shooting guns.
She is just like her mother.
Narrow, bird-like, as if about to take flight.
She is still masculine though, she has been training in this room since she could practically walk.
She has been talking about getting her helix pierced and dying her hair dark blue. So tomorrow, I will take her to Tori and she will do it for her.
I haven't told April yet, it's a surprise.
All I want is for April to love me. She is my baby.
No matter what.
Even though her boyfriend Colby claims she is his, I know that's not the truth.
She is my baby and always will be.

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